As mentioned in my previous post several projects are nearing completion, which means a lot of sewing up (yuk) and a lot of casting on (Yippee).
Ophelia was cast off last night and I am very pleased with it. It was a lovely pattern to knit, the lacy rib was so simple and yet looks beautiful. I used Serenity from Patons, which is a cotton and bamboo mix. It is so much nicer to use than straight bamboo but has a certain amount of drape and movement to it. Plus it feels so smooth and silky. It needs to be treated a little gently though, no rushing the stitches or it can split the yarn. Overall I am pleased with it, but wish I'd carried on a bit longer, I have a feeling that it is going to be quite short and I had visions of it falling gently and flatteringly over my hips. My 16 year old daughter has her beady eye on it, but I am not feeling generous. Ophelia still needs to be blocked lightly, the shoulder seams sewn up and then ribbon threaded through the holes, but which ribbon to choose.

I went into a haberdashery with my knitting to be greeted by a most unhelpful and downright rude shop assistant who snapped at me with a very terse " you'll never match that colour. I suggest you try silver or black" Hmmm. I didn't stay long. Just as well or my normally good manners might have deserted me and that would never do. Clearly the saleswoman hadn't received customer service training or perhaps she doesn't like selling the things in her shop. I went next door to Wild and woolly where Fran has about 10 ribbons to choose from but she had the greeny grey ribbon which is a pretty close match I think. I was tempted to nip back to the first shop, blow a bit fat raspberry and wave the ribbon under her nose, but everyone knows I'm in the navy so she might have complained.
The third shop yielded the brown and cream ribbon so now the dilemma is which is best.
Peri made a concerted effort to help me choose after studiously pretending he wasn't interested.

But I know my cat and caught him in the act.

Have a stack of books I want to get through, but it is the school holidays for the next two weeks and I only have 6 days official leave (the rest will be half days and working from home) so I might be doing a bit of wishful thinking here.

Wit's end has actually just come out here as The Case Of the Imaginary Detective. Wonder why the different title?
PS.The rat (Previous post) was pretty tame and apart from making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and making my tummy feel decidedly fluttery whenever he moved it wasn't too bad. No way could I have coped it he'd been black or brown. But as far as my kids are concerned I was way cool for posing with him. look closely and you'll notice it's not so much a smile more like a frozen grimace.
I much prefer being pink cool.
Wow--Ophelia looks gorgeous! And so does your pretty kitty--who is surprisingly helpful with making ribbon choices. lol
Oooh, one of my main pet peeves is rude salesclerks. You are a much better person than I, I would have returned for that raspberry!
Smiles, Karen
Love the lace pattern. So pretty!
Greeny grey gets my vote, too.
Nice to be back and blogging again although I admit to being slightly wistful about London, especially The Embankment walks.
A couple of days ago a rude salesman lost himself a few thousand dollars of business when The Professor and I chose to go elsewhere to purchase our new replacement flooring (from the water damage in April). I wonder if he knows or cares.
I wrote a post about rudeness recently - it's so unnecessary isn't it? I'm glad you didn't spend any money in her shop!
I like the greeny grey ribbon! x
I cannot cope with rude sales assistants and I'm sorry to say I retaliate by asking their names which generally confuses them especially when I then declare that I need the name to put into my letter to head office. Aren't I horrid!
Rats by the way make the most adorable pets, they have great characters and are actually rather affectionate.
I bet you felt like picking up the neareast pair of knitting needles and poking her in each eye or something similar!!
Yep... greeny grey ;-)
i think i like the brown ribbon but the cream might be more summery--hmm decisions decisions
lisa x
Peri is right, and i agree with him. orphelia looks gorgeous.I Can't stand rude sales staff either. Jane x
Aww! Kitty is adorable and the knitting gorgeous! Wow. I've tried to knit once and it was a disaster! I'll stick to sewing and such for now :) Ohhh and the ribbon is lovely- it matches quite well!
I'm loving Ophelia. Gorgeous!
Very pretty. I love the picture of your cat, too...
Oh me. I will help you choose, I will :)
Oooh, that Opehlia is looking rather stunning. I can't wait to see it all ribboned-up. And how cute is that picture of you with the rat on your shoulder -- you're darling!
It does seem to me that there are more and more rude sales assistants. They make you feel like you are bothering them or something!
Love the lacy pattern and I also think the greeny grey ribbon.
Love that little kitty!
I think that chocolate goes with everything - but it seems like your kitten rather prefers the greeny grey color - I wonder if cream would be lost as it would be quite a similar tone .... I was no help was I.
hahahha...isn't Peri cheeky... actually rolling on it.... or at least lying with his head on the wool.... too cute...
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