Knit with these. Let's not allow a little thing like darkness put pay to a bit of creativity. Now when darkness strikes because of a power cut I can carry on with my knitting or my crocheting. These little beauties were some of the other purchases from our trip to Spotlight, I also bought a crochet hook.
I don't do a lot of crocheting but I have started a ripple blanket in Neapolitan Ice cream colours, pink, vanilla and chocolate. I am not doing even rows, just two or three as the mood takes me, and I'm trying to opt for a random sequence of the three colours. I need to do a bit more before I share progress, but I only work on it for about an hour on Sunday evenings so it will be a while before it's finished. Youngest daughter has already claimed it for her bed. She's seven now and I've told her to realistically expect it in time for her tenth birthday. I am being cautious and giving myself a big time frame.
I was reserved and only bought one crochet hook (the pink one which is a G or a 4.5mm) even though I was very tempted by the purple one as well but we'd already blow the budget. I bought a pair of needles as well (again the pink ones) but I am not entirely sure about the barrel on the end. It looks quite awkward adn chunky. My thinking is that in a power cut they would at least allow me to continue with my knitting and here in Auckland they can be quite regular. Has anyone else used these? I haven't seen them before but we usually limit our trips to Spotlight to the holidays so perhaps we just missed them before.

Another FO. I love getting things off the needles so I can hastily cast on for the next project. Even though I queue my projects generally when it's time to cast on something else has grabbed my imagination and off I go with that. I am supposed to start another one of these Tees for the middle daughter but I saw a pattern for a knitted book cover and that's jumped in instead. It should only take an evening or so to do and then I'll knit the other Tee.

I am quite happy with this adn eldest daughter is chuffed, it's a bamboo and cotton blend from Spotlight (their own brand) and it has a lovely silky feel to it. The colour wasn't our first choice but at $2.99 a ball, we were happy enough to compromise. It was a bit of a pain to knit in that it like to split if I sped up and at one point the tension went iffy. I also had to frog the back first time round and knit it half a size bigger as eldest daughter decided to grow. I could ahve waited a month I reckon and knitted a whole size more.

I wonder whether it would be more prudent to knit the next Tee at the larger size, then when Eldest grows again *an absolute cert, she can give hers to middle and have the bigger version. Would that work? Or will it cause more agro than it's worth?
We had a great day, rollerblading in the morning and playing stitch-opoly in the afternoon. It's a great game,exactly like Monoploy but with a bit more interest if you like stitchy things. I am blessed to have three crafty girls who enjoyed every moment.
Have a great weekend, I'm off to lose myself for a few days in Ravelry.
Love those knitting needles - would be great for the visually impaired!!
Stitch-opoly looks like fun!
the jumper is lovely. I saw some underwear in the supermarket that was made of cotton and bamboo the other day. Now I see that you're knitting in it! (bamboo, not underwear)
Love those needles! I think you should only knit a bigger size if you use the same colour - otherwise all hell will break loose! x
I'm constantly amazed that people finish so many projects! I am in a knitting slump. Purl Doldrums. The best I can hope for right now is maybe a scarf or little bunny.
The game looks fun! And my answer for the sizing. Make one in EVERY size and throw them out there and see who takes what. Then insist that they all freeze their sizes!
Those knitting needles are funny - do you think people really knit in the dark? I can't imagine how bad for your eyes it would be ..... what an old woman I am!!
Oh what fabulous needles.
Great needle tip and beautiful sweater! Well done.
I have seen these needles but I have never used them, you will have to let us know how well they do in a power cut.
What a cute tee, it looks like it was fast and fun to knit.
Peppermint _ How did you know I knit in my underwear?
Kitty - you're right all hell would break lose so best stick to the original plan
Willow - I really wish they would freeze their sizes, how much simpler it would be.
Rachael _ I think the needles might be ok for dark yarns more than knitting in the dark but that said I have knitted in the cinema. But only if it's easy peasy stocking or garter which i don't need to look at to do.
Lizziejane- the Tee was quite quick about a week, if you don't count the frogging and the other projects.
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