I just knew I should have left well alone. Deep down I knew no good would come of meddling with machinery. Stitchery fun leads to dangerous ground. Please don't protest and claim it's all innocent, that no needles were harmed in the making of this garment, that pins were treated humanely and with respect. I have seen the other side and it's dark over there. I wanted to be kind and fair. I know I should have left them where they were. They were safe and happy, in familiar surroundings, comfortable with matching patterns and all manner of paraphernalia I have no hope of providing. Fabric is for ever not just a project.

But I was weak and I gave in. I bought them and brought them home and now they've been stuffed cruelly into a cupboard, wedged precariously between wool for three future projects, or maybe past projects that have sunk so low down the to-do list they've time warped back to the future. They may be there some time. They say the first step to coming to terms with an addiction is to admit it. Alright then I cannot hide the fact. I am guilty. I now have a fabric stash as well as a huge yarn stash. It's not good for the economy, I didn't need them, but I really couldn't help myself.
They were so pretty and I know what I'm going to do with them, one day.

And I just love the chalk marker that moves on a roller ball, and the felt will make wonderful applique won't it?

Glad you ahve seen the light and listened to your inner voice! Hope this is the start of a huge addiction!! Have a great weekend, Lisa
The tea leaves say there is a quilt in your future. Do not be afraid. Go toward the fabric light...
Ok I will admit it, I am a fabricholic too! It's pretty bad when I would rather go fabric shopping than clothes shopping.
I think a fabric stash is a beautiful sight to behold....when stacked neatly it looks magnificant!
So it is offical, I'm weird...but I am in such good company!
Have a lovely weekend!
...and that is only the beginning.
Oh, goodies...a new fabric addict...welcome to the club, so glad you could join us! LOL! Seriously, it sounds like you're having fun, which is fantastic...Can't wait to see what you get up to with all of that. Happy crafting ((HUGS))
i love reading your blog, and i totally sympathise! i have a rather large pile of yarn and fabric in one corner of the living room, no space in cupboards to put it all away and not enough time to turn it all into nice stuff!!!
WooHoo! You've been sucked in -- Congratulations -- they're beautiful!
Oh hooray! You've been infected! You're now as guilty as the rest of us. Mind you, if that constitutes a 'stash' I don't know what I'm housing in the 6 huge plastic tubs currently residing in my mum's garage?
Fabric is a wonderful addiction because so much is made of fabric. You will never look at garments again. I have been known to buy garments merely to unpick the seams to get at the fabric!
ooh that chalk marker is great, I could do with one of those!! The fabric is gorgeous and I love your crochet hook roll in the last post! So pretty. Well done!
You're all supposed to help me fight this, remind me of my responsibilities and the need to be circumspect in all things. Where's the plan to avoid fabric shops and a;ternative therapy cures. I mean I can't add another hobby to my list. I can't there isn't enough time for them all as it is.
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