I feel like doing a Dora the Explorer and shouting, "I did it, I did it, I did it yeah"

It was not without a fight, pins do not take kindly to being sewn into a hem but I just couldn't pull them out quickly enough and save my fingers. I survived and my fingers are intact but there are a few bent pins and a broken needle. The thread kept breaking but I am sure that's something to do with my ineptitude and not the machine's evil thoughts. It's not even half perfect, there are a few minor things ( and a few not so minor things) wrong, such as I forgot to allow material to flap over and a few seams are puckered or wonky. I was good though and unpicked anything that was dreadful. Several times. Luckily I had some extra helping hands to get me past the tricky bits.

Also thanks to Angry Chicken's Bend the Rules sewing book I made friends with my iron, another piece of equipment I avoid at all costs. It really helped me get the seams straight(ish).
I think I see now that the problem has lain in me finding a pattern, and going at it full pelt, but not actually doing any research on the mechanics or basic theory
as it were. I also skip ahead because I think I can see how it's suppose to work rather than taking my time and reading each step separately. I'm learning though that sewing is so quick you can afford to slow down a bit. I started this at 4pm, had dinner at 5pm and finished it at 7pm.
Thanks to the wonderful array of craftiness I have discovered in blogland I have been drawn to read and peruse books that hitherto have called to me in vain. Of course I don't think there's any danger of me taking over the sewing scene anytime soon so breathe a sign of relief everyone.
This was my first attempt and I have to say I am pretty darn pleased with how it went.

I am especially pleased with the fact I managed to attach the ribbon correctly.

The picture quality isn't great I should have waited until day time but I am on duty tomorrow which means staying overnight on the base and I would have to wait until Tuesday. That wasn't ever going happen.
Any further hints and tips before I tackle another Crochet roll but with my adorable cupcake fabric?
Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.
Enjoy next week
Well done - looks like a mighty fine crochet hook roll!!
That's wonderful Alison! Well done! x
Wonderful job! I knew that you could do it, so what's next?
What a great job you did! I am waaayy too familiar with the broken pins/needle, pricked fingers, seam ripper ... AND Dora! ha
brilliant! well done!
Josie x
Nice job, Alison.
Breaking needles, stuck pins, sewing the wrong sides together, etc happen to the most seasoned sewers. Ask me how I know...
Wow! amazing job...I bow down to you. All those seams! Cute fabric.
Well done! You did a great job.
That's impressive!
Like you, I've decided to get acquainted with a (rather elderly) sewing machine and have so far made three tote/book bags - which, as yet, haven't disintegrated!.
I love it! So nicely done. The ribbon tie is a great finishing touch. Pretty soon you will set up your own Esty shop to be selling these!
As soon as I saw Nora and Asta, I knew I was going to like it here! I love what Mama would call "the equipment bag". You made it yourself. I sewed once...mostly dolls clothes and curtains...but my Singer died and I never replaced it. So glad you came to visit me and read my little adventure...but you know, I guess you'd have had to read a couple of posts back or read my profile...we were stationed in England from 78 to 82, my kids were small so they absorbed everything British like a sponge...but we had just arrived home on this post...so much happened that I'm having to do it installments, you see...I write for a newspaper and this is my work, but more fun is to come, so hope you will be back, lol! If you didn't read the two previous posts, it would catch you up. The Old English on my sidebar is our Digby...
thanks for stopping by, again and leaving such a nice comment!
You've done a darn sight better job than I would do!
There's no stopping you now! ;-)
Well done ....never tell about the mistakes ....other wouldn't notice them.
Lovely, Ally! It is a beautitful roll...And you conquered fear of iron in process--HOORAY! Happy Day to you all ((HUGS))
Gee... Maybe I too could be inspired to do more with my sewing machine than hide it in a closet when a friend isn't borrowing it...
Looks great, it really does!
I love that roll! The fabric and the ribbon are pretty to my eyes...
Very cool. And I'm LOVING the pic of Nora and Asta in your header.
Cute fabric! Very nice job. There is a lot of inspiration in blogland.
Excellent! It turned out great and I cant' wait to see your cupcake version. I've been meaning to make one for my dpn's -- hopefully soon!
Looks like you did a good job. I wanted to make one, too, but ended up buying one since my sewing machine spends most of its time in the closet.
McCalls has a pattern for a crochet hook roll, a knitting needle roll, and a nice knitting tote bag. I'll see if I can find the pattern numbers for you.
Love the crochet bag, so creative! Thanks for the tip about Ravelry, I have a membership but haven't really explored it yet. Seems kind of intimidating. I will peruse it this weekend.
Found the pattern numbers. McCalls M4728 has a knitting project bag, a crochet hook case, a knitting needle case, and a couple of patterns for small notions organiers. McCalls M5283 has patterns for two different types of tote bags for knitting or crocheting. Hope you can find one or both useful. Keep up the good work.
Yeah you did it , you really did it! It;s lovely too, well done you
well done you - don't you just get a great feeling of achievement when something actually turns out ok
lisa x
Just to let you know I've tagged you on my blog
April xx
Hummm. I didn't know there was a pattern for the crochet hook bag. I thought I was being very clever and origional. I will have to take a look to see if I should have done something different with mine...........Connie
That is a very snazzy crochet hook roll.
Brilliant! I need to make one of these :)
Looks great--good for you!! Believe me, I have bent my fair share of pins and broken a ridiculous amount of needles too!
It's all part of the learning process--
Smiles, Karen
Building a stash of fabrics is just as much fun as building a stash of yarns...;-D
I haven't done any major sewing in more than four years, but it used to be a passion, and I'm trying to get back to it, in between the knitting and crochet and reading...
Have fun!
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