Friday, October 3, 2008

Melbourne was great

I had the best time ever in Melbourne. I cannot tell you all in one post how much I loved the city. It's so difficult to even know where to start. It was just fabulous and I am already planning which bank I shall rob in order to fund a return visit very soon.
Tomorrow I shall announce the lucky winner of the 100th post giveaway.


LizzieJane said...

Hey your back! I am so glad that you had a wonderful time in Melbourne.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Glad you had a great trip!

Kitty said...

Good to see you back! Glad you had a wonderful time. x

Mary said...

Welcome back!

Marcia said...

That is a wonderful picture. I'm glad you had a good and safe trip. Can't wait to hear about it!

Sal said...

Looking forward to hearing all about yout trip! ;-)

knittingdragonflies said...

What a great trip, I have always wanted to be able to say I know a bank robber. Luck to you!

Jane said...

Great to see you back, glad you had a good time. Jane x

Willow said...

I hope you write several posts about Melbourne because I know nothing about the city except that it is in Australia! The rive and bridge have intrigued me to find out more!

raining sheep said...

Hopefully you have some great pics to show us. I have never been to Australia - I only see vicariously through pictures from other bloggers.

Linda said...

It sounds like a fab trip!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Melbourne - what a great vacation! Someday we will get back to NZ and will also visit Austrial this time as well.

BTW - I just realized you don't have your RSS feed added to your Ravelry profile - which is where I get notice of new blog posts in friend activity.... sorry I missed out on your blog contest!!!!