Melbourne made an impact on me from the moment I landed at the airport. I was a bit blown away by how much it made me miss England, so much of its architecture wouldn't have been out of place in London, Liverpool or Oxford, but Melbourne is different. It's like England but with a twist, it's like New Zealand but with more buzz. I loved the place and can't wait to visit again.
Melbourne literally buzzes and pulsates with energy, good wholesome, positive energy. From the rumble of the trams to the hum of the trains life is always on the go and yet it doesn't feel frenetic or stressful.
Melbourne is just such an easy city to be in. You can walk around it and because it's on a block system you can't get lost and very quickly get your bearings. Important for a map impaired person like me. There's a free tram that takes you around the perimeter of the city centre and gives you a commentary on the main sites of interest. Or you can catch the free shuttle bus which goes a little further out. Both are a great way to see Melbourne and you can hop on and off when you like making it perfect for exploring in more detail. It was busy but never aggressive or uncomfortable. You can walk around and savour the cosmopolitan delights of the many cafes. I could not resist a trip to Koko Black where they pour hot chocolate from a pot. Belgian chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, you get the general idea that there's a lot of chocolate. Simply heavenly.
I only had four days, one of which was spent with my friend from the UK. We hadn't seen each other for four years and it was so good to be able to catch up. She also took me on a whistle stop tour of the Dandernongs, allowing me to see that Australia is a tad greener than I had imagined. I could have happily spent several more days exploring Melbourne. There were so many buildings, statues and let's not forget the shops that I think anyone could take at least a week to exhaust Melbourne's delights.

Parliament house was at the top of the road where my hotel was. I ran past it each morning on my daily run. It's a pretty impressive building, if a little disconcerting to see police on the steps with their guns in holsters.

Cook's cottage in Fitzroy gardens was tiny. Barely two rooms. The gardens themselves are like the rest of Melbourne a blend of the traditional and the more modern, paths zigzag every which way and it takes several hours to discover all the hidden delights. I could go on but I am in danger of sounding like a tourist board advertisement for Melbourne. If you get the chance to visit do so, you will have a great time.
On a knitting front I have finished my Bell curve skirt, pictures to follow soon. I knit it on the plane to and from Melbourne but not much while I was in Melbourne as I was too busy gawping at everything I saw. It looks good and I want to make another one, but with a few adjustments. I'll say what these are when I post pictures.
And finally after what seems like ages I am pleased to announce the winners of my 100th post giveaway.
The winners of the 100th post giveaway are Some of a kind and Jane of Crafty Conundrum Well done ladies, if you drop me an email with your postal details I'll get the items packed up and sent off.
Enjoy your week everyone.
Wow, it looks like it was really a wonderful trip! I hope someday I can make it to Australia ...
What a neat place to visit. I can dream about going someday, I suppose. :) In the mean time, thanks for sharing your pictures.
Wow. That is awesome. One day DH and I may get to travel!
Melbourne looks awesome! I looks like you had a wonderful time.
Your pictures take me back to when we were there. Well done to the winners too!
What a wonderful trip! Melbourne looks so beautiful.
Fantastic photos, Ally! Melbourne looks amazing...I would love to see it someday...I've never been to Australia before, nor NZ! :o) The thrill of discovering and exploring a city or place, especially never seen before always makes an impression on the heart and mind for life, I think. Thanks so much for sharing about your travel experience...And can't wait to see some new knitting soon too! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Thanks for the tour! I'll probably never get there for a visit, so it was fun seeing it through your camera lens.
Oh, this makes me almost ill that I cannot travel with my family to NZ for a wedding in the spring! I'll see my OZ rellies for Christmas, but I want to see Australia AND NZ, desperately...
Well you've sold it to me! I'd love to see Melbourne one day. So glad you had a good time. x
It looks such a fabulous place!Maybe I'll get there one day ;-)
Congratulations to the two lucky winners of your wonderful giveaway, how lucky are they.
Melbourne and sounds like my kind of place!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photo's.
Lovely photos of Melbourne, my aunt lives out on the coast nearby. It sounds a lovely place to holiday. I can't believe i won your 100th post giveaway. I am going to email you now. Jane x
oh so great! thank you for the tour.
Sounds like you had a great trip. I wish I could try some of that hot cocoa right now. Mmmmmmm.
Oh hurray for Jane! I'm so pleased she won!
I've never been to Australia; the closest I've been is New Guinea (the Indo side, not PNG) although The Professor was in Sydney a long time ago. Now you have me wishing for a trip 'down under'.
what a wonderful visit,thank you for sharing.
I would love to go to Australia - maybe one day
lisa x
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