DH thought that Mouse smelt less than sweet after a couple of nights playing with her doggy pals on the beach. So just like a baby I put her in the kitchen sink and gave her a bath. She's very good and doesn't create any fuss. In fact despite her face I say she almost enjoys it. Or maybe it's the big treat she knows is on her way, or the snuggle on my lap while I towel dry her.

The look is her long suffering one as I suddenly remember I didn't get a towel ready and have already tipped the water away. Thankfully I have a helpful daughter to hold her while I go rummage.
No sink was harmed in the bathing of this dog.
What an expression in that last picture!
Awww, her face in that last picture is so sweet. x
Sissy loves a bath too, but is far too big for post-bath snuggles. Instead, she races around like a mad dog...
I love washing my doggie - watching how small he goes once his fur is all wet ... and his sad eyes ... I have the best photo - I should send it to you ;-)
Glad someone loves the bath...lol
Love the looks on her face, Priceless!!
That face is so sweet! She is just adorable!
Bless her heart she is soooo cute!!
Dogs and cats looks so pathetic and cute when getting bathed it's so funny :)
Wet dogs are so funny. It's like their fur shrinks and their eye's pop out of their heads. Mine is a mad dog running too after a bath.
Oh this post reminded me of my mother washing our dog in the bath, she had exactly the same expression on her face (the dog not my mum!!!)
Poor little puppy!
BTW, I think the bell curve skirt is stunning.
I just love her sweet little face, the last picture is just priceless!
bless, she looks like she's about to fall asleep
lisa x
This is really a post that inspires all of those little cute sounds.
You dog is a real cutie, looks like she is a good girl, and smells good too.
Hope she got some treats for that!
I am so totally laughing. Those pictures are priceless. Good grief. What a face on the pup. You have an awesome weekend...stop buy I am doing a little 'something' on my blog this weekend.
sorry,many typos previous,Ali...what I was saying is that you've captured quite an expression,there! makes me miss bath days with my Jesse.Smelling better now?? ;-))
Oh my goodness, I love the skirt from your earlier post!!
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