Friday, September 17, 2010

Rain and yet more rain

The weather here in NZ at teh moment can only be described as wet. Now it is only just spring so I'm not complaining too loudly and we do get to see the sun, just not it would seem at the weekends just lately. The rain pours down and mostly that makes me happy. When it rains I feel totally justified in curling up on the sofa, ( my rocking chair is still in my house not at CNG's)fire blazing and needles going hell for leather. Perfect. I know that I'm not alone in finding this sort of day just great but it got me thinking about what would happen if the rain didn't stop. I mean Noah built an ark and took two of every kind of animal, except for unicorns who clearly didn't get the memo in time. I'd build an ark, or more correctly I'd find a man (CNG) who could build an ark for me, coz even I know that a knitted one isn't likely to be totally waterproof even if felted. Then I would fill my ark, with every type of yarn and not just two of each ball. There are only so many projects that use two or less skeins. I'd also have two of every type and size of needle, because different yarns need different needles and although I might not use my 2.25mm very often I wouldn't want to discover out at sea surround by nothing but water that I actually did need that exact size to get gauge. Then I'd have to take two of every pattern, just in case one got a bit soggy around the edges and there might not be electricity for a while so no photocopying, plus I wouldn't be able to look it up on Ravelry.Then I realised that if I printed of my favourites and my queue from ravelry I might just be responsible for a world wide shortage of paper, not to mention the weight of all that paper, might just sink the ark anyway. Oh and I'd need to live to be 510 to stand any chance of finishing them all. Well let's hope the rain stops soon.


Adrienne said...

rain rain go away ... come again another day ...

SissySees said...

We'll gladly take your rain. My Kiwi relatives keep fussing about the earth moving. ;)

At Home Mommy Knits said...

I have so many problems picking my projects when I travel that the idea of picking for an ark is just stressful :)

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Crafting on a wet day is my idea of heaven! An ark filled with wool - love how your mind works.

Renee said...

2 balls wouldn't be enough, definitely sweaters-worth of the good stuff.
We had rain for 2 days and that was enough. Coming back all weekend. We're going in to fall... ours will just turn to snow shortly.

Tracy said...

Hope the sun returns and dries up there soon, Ally. I hear you on Rav queue print outs... I dare not, either... I want to knit it all--LOL! Happy Day ((HUGS))

Ragged Roses said...

Hope the rain has stopped by now for you!

raining sheep said...

We have had rain for ever, but today, was absolutely GLORIOUS! I sat outside and drank wine - all day :)
Did you know a Christmas carol was playing on your blog?

Ally Jay said...

Didn't know the christmas carol was playing. Wow still another two months and it will be the right time of year.