But alas while my immune system was down I was hit by another virus. I caught this one here It was a particularly virulent strain. I was powerless against its onslaught and the easiest thing to do was ride with it. So I cast on something new. It was the only thing to do, the only way of being cured. I mean the purple dress is at a too hard stage. My brain needs time to process the complicated mathematical equations needed to make it fit. Ulrike needs the pattern and that was burnt accidentally by CNG who thought it was rubbish. The sock needs the heel turning and that's fiddly. I can't remember what row I'm up to on the black wrap with two lace pattern repeats and I'm bored with my calico top which is not knitted with calico.
So under the influence of this virus I hunted out a ball of Sublime cashmere which was given to my by the owner of the local yarn store a year ago. It was a nice gesture but I did wonder what on earth I would ever make with just one ball.
By coincidence I bought a knitting magazine yesterday and in it I found the perfect project. A narrow scarf, with a simple but sweet shell pattern and I was away. I don't feel guilty at all. I mean I couldn't help getting sick, could I?
Hope you get over that nasty illness but life would be very boring if we only stuck to one project at a time.
Whew, I thought at first you had caught a computer virus - LOL
That scarf will definitely cure what ails you ~ enjoy that scrumptious yarn!
I was formulating my 'get well' wishes as I was reading your post ... looks like you and I are suffering from the same bug! ;-)
That scarf looks just divine - that will definitly aid in the recovery process!
ha. giggling over this post. love it.
that is one bug i never mind catching! :)
That scarf is SCRUMPTIOUS, Ally! Definitely will have you feeling better in no time, I'm sure... Such a funny post. ;o) Happy Knitting... oh, and love the new look here ((HUGS))
Great post! good luck getting over your "illness"
Oh, you poor, poor dear. You're SO funny. I also laughed that a person with your phenomenal knitting skill would think turning a heel was fiddly. I hope you feel better soon!!!
virus?...hope it's gone soon.ally~~
great scarf that will be!
LOL I thought you really were ill!! I hope your scarf has turned out beautifully. I am hopefully back and raring to go with a new blog so I will be around more often now :D xxx
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