Monday, September 21, 2009

Finding me again

Some of you will have noticed from my comments on your blogs that my name has changed. I thought long and hard about whether it was worth the effort of reverting back to not my maiden name but my fahter's name which I took on in my twenties. After all, what's in name? Quite a lot it would appear. I needed to re-discover a time when I was strong and happy, a time when I felt I could do anything and problems were no more than minor hiccups in the fabric of daily living. I needed to feel that I was that person again and that meant shaking off a name I had never truly felt comfortable with.
I have taken that step and feel as though life is opening up with possibiliites again. I have also overcome a huge fear which I will post about soon. I just need to get the camera issues sorted so I can show you all the evidence.
Knitting progress will also follow. I have actually started on a second sock, a partner no less for a sock now sitting eagerly awaiting its match. This is further proof that changing your name can indeed lead to great things. Never before have I managed to knit two matching socks.


Renee said...

Welcome back, Ally Johnston! :)
Looking forward to hearing more and seeing the evidence you're talking about.
Hugs to you!

Jo said...

glad you're back!
Josie x

Leonie said...

Glad you have found a persona that works for you. Everyone needsto feel safe and secure in their own name and what it means to them. Can't wait to see the socks and the other evidence of changes!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Such a positive post - well done on making changes- can't wait to hear more!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

That's wonderful Ally! I went through a difficult time when I was a young adult and gaining back a sense of who you are is so important to be able to move forward in a positive way. I am very happy for you!

LizzieJane said...

I think Ally Johnston is a lovely name and I am very glad that I know her.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for thinking so positively about things. Looks forward to lots of pictures of socks and things when you find the camera.

PS A rose by any other name is still a rose.

marit said...

Good for you! I never changed my name when we got married, he didn't want to take my name, so why should I take his??? The kids have both names...