I am smiling because despite the pain I am high on endorphins or what ever the heck the body pumps out to make you feel good. I feel invincible because I have overcome an almost crippling fear of needles. I have more excuses not to visit the dentist have a blood test, or get vaccinated than a dictionary has words. Even when ordered to have such things done I am pretty adept at wheedling my way out of it or at least delaying it in the hope of it being forgotten forever.

So I hadn't really considered ever having a tattoo. Never. It just wasn't on my radar. But Cute neighbour guy has lots. Both arms, chest and back, and they do look cute. So my perspective changed somewhat. Then we started talking and I realised that they were more than decorations they were declarations and I realised I wanted something that would be a physical symbol of all I had gone through and survived. I wanted it somewhere private where it wouldn't ever be on show unless I chose to do so.

I chose a dolphin because they symbolise joy and protection both of which I have a great need for in my life. I also think that my nature is quite dolphin like, I am quite a playful personality. I loved this design because it also embodies New Zealand's Maori culture which I have embraced fully.
Cute neighbour guy lied when I asked him if it hurt. He said it was just like being scratched.
I was scared and it hurt a lot. But I did it and I love it. Now I feel ready to tackle anything.
The perfect talisman for you Ally!
You'll soon forget what the pain was like (a bit like childbirth).
It's more like having a piece of ice on your skin isn't it - a burning, stinging sensation, but not completely unbearable.
I'm already planning my next one!
It's very wonderful, but I'm sort of cringing. I don't mind needles of any necessary kind at all, but call me the supreme avoider of that many. My brother got a small tattoo on his arm when he was a lot younger and told me in detail how much it hurt. Your brave and strong and the dolphin is perfect!
OUCH! I'll bet that did hurt -- in such a sensitive, ticklish area. Very cool...now you'll be on to planning your next one!
Congrats!! I've always kinda' wanted a tattoo, but until Mugsy died, I wasn't sure what I wanted. Now I know I want a pawprint near my heart, with his name worked into it somehow.
Brave girl!
I love the Maori influence in the pattern.
Life is short - I'm glad you are having fun! Your tattoo is a great symbol for the changes going on in your life.
wow,it looks great,well done you - I tolerate needles.
Josie x
you are rockin it girl!!!
Cool! You sure are a lot braver than I am. I love that it is a dolphin. Great choice.
OMG, Ally! That is incredible...that dolphin is beautiful--and beautiful on you! And the symbolism is profound. Brave you! Ouch...it does look a bit sore yet. (My sister has three tattoos--each as painful as the next, but she plans another one! I contemplated a tiny tattoo, but the needles thing...LOL!) We only get this one particular trip around in this space and time, so best live it to the full and enjoy and celebrate--good and not so good! So...have your showed it go Cute Neighbour Guy yet? ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
Cute neighbour actually hels my hand while I had it done.
Wow! It looks great!
Wow Ally you are brave, love the dolphin too. Jane x
Lovely! I love tatoos. I was going to extend mine for my birthday but not sure what I want yet!
When we were in NZ we saw amazing Maori facial tatoos, just amazing.
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