The answer to the knitting trivia question in the previous post is Queen Elizabeth the first. Well done to all of you who got it right. I will be putting the names into a technically superior device ( a hat) and using a tried and tested scientific method ( pulling out by hand) to select the recipient of the surprise.
I know that writing lists is good for me
1. Lists help me focus on things so long as I stay focused on the topic to begin with.
2, Lists give me something to visualise, although I think it's more about the time I spend collect all my coloured pens and thinking of ways to decorate my lists that does this rather than the actual items on the list
3. Lists help me remember things, I think of it as a way of emptying my brain of all the clutter and then I don't have to struggle to recall it all. Of course if I lose my list then it can get ugly pretty quickly
4. Lists are easy to read and are supposedly quick to do. But not the way I do them
5. Lists can give a sense of accomplishment only if you actually bother doing the things on my list. What happens in my case is that number 3 occurs in that my brain promptly forgets the information, after all it's all very safely written down and I then merrily go about doing lots of things that were never on my list. Result. The list never gets any shorter.
Things I wouldn't want to be late for
1. A yarn sale
2. A book sale
3. Social knitting
4. My morning cup of tea
5. Collecting a lottery win
6. Receiving a prize or accolade
7. Seeing my kids smile.
What wouldn't you want to be late for?
So lists are good if you use them properly. What do you write lists about?
Knitting continues but nothing to show just yet. Am really really drawn towards doing a skirt after seeing Crimson Purl and Mr Puffy's wonderful efforts. I have seen the one I want to make, but am having a little trouble tracking down the yarn. Still I'm not one to give up easily and will keep looking. This is the one I really love.
Have a happy safe weekend everyone.
I am a big list writer too! I usually write lists at home and at work on all the things I need to do. It is always very satisfying to check off the things you have accomplished.
That is a beautiful skirt - I look forward to seeing your version.
I go through phases of list writing, but have to keep a list of some things, or I'd just forget!
haha! A list of why you make lists! :)
What a wonderful post. The only lists I've ever made were either chores or groceries. Oh and I've listed my extensive family before.
Last year my pastor wanted me to list things I like and things I don't like. I only got one or two things for each. One of the don't likes is when my name is spelled incorrectly.
Maybe I'll try making lists like you do them. And I'm thinking on the things I don't want to be late for...
OOh lists! I love them... shopping, books to read, Christmas lists, Christmas lists, more christmas lists....
I write shopping lists but still manage to forget something, and loads of lists at work.
I have a great big problem with lists. I LOSE THEM. Perhaps I should make a list of where my lists are!
I write 'to do' lists otherwise I would forget to do anything! I write shopping lists, but usually end up buying extras and forgetting something which is on the list! x
I love list-making as well, and like you I make lists but often don't actually follow them. There is something very comforting about lists.
Ah, lists. I love lists. Best of all I love being able to tick the things I've completed. And, sometimes, I even add to the lists things I've done that weren't on there in the first place, just so that I can put a tick next to them! Makes me feel I haven't been wasting my time.
Hi Alison, I have tagged you on a meme, hope you don't mind. Come see my blog to find out which one!
Ah, lists! I love 'em too! And you have a list of things you don't want to knit? How funny!
I'm like you though -- I put stuff on a list and then promptly forget where I put my list!!!
now let me see,hmm.what would I ever do without lists :)!
Hooray for lists! I wouldn't be able to live without them :)
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