Note to self. Never leave a bag of craft feathers within reach of an eight month old kitten. They cannot restrain themselves and the result can be seen above. The purple and blue blobs are not part of the duvet pattern. Not only that but they carry these feathers into every room so that they will be a reminder for several months. Peri clearly had a ball playing with these, most likely while he was trying to ignore our Mouse baby.

Sasha has volunteered as chief playmate and surrogate carer. It is wonderful to watch how gently she plays with Mouse although she wasn't very playful with her own pups. I guess she found it difficult to go near them with them demanding milk all the time which put pay to any games. Mouse is trying very hard to be the boss.

As you can see Sasha is content to let Mouse think she's winning

(click to make bigger and get a shot of her cute as face)
All that playing sure wears a pup out.

Mouse is just too darn cute for her own good. I am in serious danger of spoiling her rotten. I can't resist her eyes when she asks to go on my lap even though I know it's a bad habit to start. But she's a baby right and babies need their cuddles. Right now she's so good, she greets every other dog gently and quietly. She lets people pat her, doesn't jump at little children and wags her whole body when she sees me.
Could you resist her charms?

Sasha and Mouse look really cute together.
My cat did something similar when she was a kitten, but it was with a box of packing peanuts!
Mouse is just tooo cute and very spoilt just like my 2.
Good luck. Sissy and I ended up in obedience school not long ago because she got too big to get by on the cute factor...
Mouse is just gorgeous! Cats and feathers are a disaster together!
I laugh about the feathers! I can totally see how that happens. Our own cat is getting old and grouchy. How fun to have a kitten. And the puppy! Oh my!!! Adorable doesn't even begin to cover it.
how could anyone resist the antics of such a sweet pup?
So cute! Jane x
They are both too cute for words...
Oh, that little mouse is adorable -- I most definitely could not resist!
Cat's and feathers don't really mix to well do they! lol
Little Mouse is just so darn cute, I would have a hard time not spoiling her, what a face!
Oh, I definately couldn't resist Mouse!
How sweet Sasha is to be such a gentle playmate.
I just want to kiss her on her little nose!! :)
That Mouse is very cute.
So cute!!
Oh my! Obviously Peri thought the bag was one really big bird.
I have found that balls of yarn are much easier (I suspect) to round up than feathers would be!
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