Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dogs on Thursday Dress Up

Mouse has fully settled into our home. It's hard to believe we've only had her for a few weeks. It's like she's been here forever.
She is a real character, full of energy and yet not so bouncy she's out of control.

She likes toys with a squeak, such as her rubber chicken and a green crocodile we bought from the local charity shop for a dollar. It's the toy that goes in the car with us for her to play with while we travel or are at a cafe having a drink.

You can see how enthusiastically she 'loves' it.

Although we are moving into Spring here in NZ it can still be a little on the cool side, especially if you are a small dog. As a caring owner it was only right that I do all in my power to protect Mouse from the elements so I knitted her a very snazzy jumper. Despite the woe-be-gone expression she is very grateful for the warmth provided by the jumper. Honestly she is.

However she can't wear the jumper when it's raining, wet wool on wet dog is not a pleasant combination. PHeeww! Hold your noses everyone. So there was only one thing for it. Seeing as I can't knit her a raincoat, and my sewing skills although much improved are still a bit behind such complicated pattern following, I did the next best thing and took her shopping for one.

We tried on many stylish coats, but this was my favourite. I love the faux fur collar and the mesh pockets on wither side where she can carry treats or clean up bags. It's a girly pink so I no longer have to explain she's a girl and it keeps her dry and warm.

Perfect. Isn't she a darling?

Don't forget about my 100th post giveaway. There's still time to enter.


Kitty said...

I don't know how to tell you this Alison, but she doesn't look happy about those coats! x

SissySees said...

LOL... She doesn't look happy, but tell her how pretty she is and don't let anyone else make fun of her, and she'll come around.

Linda said...

What a cute dog! I think she is fine about the coats, she is posing!

Rebecca Jo said...

I think she looks adorable in her coat! What a cute little baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol - she is cute
Lisa x

Natalie said...

Toooo cute! I think the squeak of a dog toy is the sound of puppy happiness.

Ally Jay said...

I know Mouse looks unhappy but that's her au natural look. Honestly. She has the saddest face I've ever seen.

Down on the Farm said...

Two of my three children (long time adults now) would say Mouse is not a dog, she is a hairy mouse. They love the BIG dogs. Me? I have deicded that I like cats (in spite of what my mother taught us) because they don't require much of me. Mouse? Contrary to her expression, I am sure she feels she is the most loved creature on the planet.

LizzieJane said...

What cute pictures, how can you not smile when you look at that little face, love her girlie pink coat, it looks adorable!

dogquilter said...

Oh how cute! Love the sweater and coat. Wilbur loves to dress up too, Charlotte not so much. Wish the squeaky toys (Wilburs fav) would hold up to a full grown pit bull but sadly they don't.

Marcia said...

She's absolutely adorable! I love both jackets. Cuuute little doggie. I want one, but I'm stuck with this crazy 50 pound bundle of energy that is Pepper. Really, I like him but he isn't little and cute anymore.

Unknown said...

What a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

Mouse is such a little darling! She looks so cute in her outfits. You are a good mommy to keep her dry and warm. I hope you are going to enter the Halloween contest over at Dogs On Thursday.

Thimbleanna said...

What cute pictures! And funny at the same time -- look at those expressions on her little face. What an adorable dog. Have fun on your trip!

Willow said...

I think she's just a little concerned that some other dogs will be too jealous and either say something mean like "It's not really your style" or steal it right off her back. I mean who wouldn't want to carry her own treast around in that little pocket?