Monday, May 5, 2008

virtually fat free

I have a great idea, one that I know will catch on for sure. It's so simple I cannot believe that it hasn't already been done. We all know that food is officially bad for us, it has too much fat, too much sugar, too much protein, too much taste. We daren't put a morsel in our mouth for fear it will go straight to our hips, and it's not hip to be hippy anymore We are bombarded with adverts to lose weight, everywhere, everyday. The world seems to be in pursuit of thin for some odd reason as though thin will magically cancel out all badness.
Now diets come and diets go, everthing seems to be virtually fat and calorie free, so why not take the next logical step and go on a virtual diet. It has many advangtages, you can eat virtually anything you want, in moderation of course, virtually nothing is bad for you and there are virtually no calories. This means of course you can indulge with virtually no guilt. Am I onto something? I think so. We can visit blogs and share in the many delicious cakes and biscuits that are out there and it will have virtually no impact on our waistlines or our wallets which with rising food prices is bound to help the budget too.
Keep an eye out for the virtual diet coming soon.


Alison Gibbs said...

Yay to indulging!!

periwinkle said...

Oh I so wish, like you say, you can't eat anything nowadays. There was just a report on the news saying that too much fruit and veg was bad for children as they don't get enough fat!!
Lisa x

Willow said...

Oh! Yes! It's a great idea!

And while I'm at it, I'm going to visit blogs of people who are cleaning their houses and do some virtual housework too!

Tracy said...

Now this is indulgence I will gladly go along with! Would this be called food porn though?! LOL! Happy Virtual Eating ((HUGS))

Ragged Roses said...

I like the sound of that!

Louise said...

Brilliant Alison, I am all for your virtual diet. I have struggled with my weight for many years. It may take a little time for change, I am sitting here with a pitta bread, buttered with jam! The virtual photos on the blogs of cakes and bakes etc definitely make ones mouth water, rather similar to just smelling chocolate instead of eating it! x

Down on the Farm said...

I like Willow's idea the best.

carolyn said...

Oh I'm all for indulgence!

juicyknits said...

Oh, if that were so easy. We all would have virtually model bodies.