According to The Secret, you get what you think about, a fact which was highlighted to me this week when the fourth book I read in a row mentioned knitting. Well not surprising I hear you all cry, after all you love knitting, no doubt you went out and looked for books with a knitting theme. Not so. Three of the books are from the Orange prize list (long). I think it's a case of heightened awareness. I am on a knitting frenzy even for me and also on the look out for a novel that mentions knitting although it has to be published fifty years ago, for a book and book mark swop over at Zoe's knitting bag, and suddenly it seems like every book I pick up has some reference to knitting in it. Of course the main reason is no doubt more scientific than that and simply a case of finding what you look for.
The books in case you're interested are:

I would say the The End of Mr Y was good but hard going at times unless you've studied philospohy or literary Criticism. I perservered to the end but never totally enjoyed it, but enjoyed the way it stretched my thinking.

This one The Road Home I found totally absorbing. Loved the character and the realistic way he was portrayed. Perfect ending.

Have you any novels to add to the list?
You get what you think about? Really? Do you think if I thought about George Clooney enough, it might actually happen? :-O
Interesting choice of books. I seem to have got a bit 'stuck' at the moment - a Marian Keyes novel and a Terry Pratchett audio book, and both are taking far longer than they should. Anyone would think I spend too much time online ;-)
I read The end of Mr Y recently too. It was ok. I think I enjoyed it, but I found it strangely dissatisfying. I couldn't really relate to the main character - not that I need to in books that I read, but I found her a bit annoying. Glad I wasn't the only one!
Maybe not quite George Clooney but possibly his lookalike Kitty. Is it the new Marian Keyes?
I agree with you Tea and cakes.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Never read Mr Y and now I am intrigued. Could not help but notice the Kite Runner title...I loved that book...recently saw the movie and as is often the case, did not like it as much as the book.
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