This is from Nannybird and also April
Not as easy as you might think. Now copy, forward, or post this and change the answers to yours and pass it on. It’s really hard to only use one word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? ………….. handbag
2. Your significant other?………………….. ditched
3. Your hair? …………………………………….. brown
4. Your mother? ……………………………….. dead
5. Your father?…………………………………….. Irish
6. Your favorite thing?……………………….. Scooter
7. Your dream last night?………………….. prophetic
8. Your favorite drink? ……………………….. Tea
9. Your dream/goal?………………………….. contentment
10. The room you’re in?…………………….. living
11. Your ex?……………………………………….. remarried
12. Your fear?…………………………………….. debt
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?…….. author
14. Where were you last night?………….. home
15. What you’re not?………………………….. fat
16. Muffins?……………………………………….. blueberry
17. One of your wish list items?………….. kindle
18. Where you grew up?…………………….. Basingstoke
19. The last thing you did?………………….. read
20. What are you wearing?………………….. skirt
21. Your TV?……………………………………….. plasma
22. Your pets?…………………………………….. zoo
23. Your computer? …………………………….. slow
24. Your life?……………………………………….. exhilarating
25. Your mood?………………………………….. positive
26. Missing someone?……………………….. Nope
27. Your car?……………………………………….. Mazda
28. Something you’re not wearing?…….. rings
29. Favorite Store?……………………………….. book
30. Your summer?……………………………….. lazy
31. Like(love) someone?…………………………….. Nope
32. Your favorite color?……………………….. lavendar
33. Last time you laughed?……………….. today
34. Last time you cried?……………………….. yesterday
35. Who will re-post this?…………………….. someone
Just for fun.
Interesting. And I learned some things about you, which is nice.
Tea coming right up! Sugar? Cream?
It is difficult, isn't it? I did a one-word meme last year, and was amazed how long it took me to find the right word.
Hope you're having a good weekend. x
This meme was really interesting, funny how where ever we live, we are sustained by tea!
Good interesting facts.
I am going to play this one, it looks good fun. Regarding your comment on my blog, I used to work for the Civil Service and we did get the Queen's birthday off, enjoy your day. x
this is a fun meme, but looks hard! thanks for visiting my blog it was nice to meet you.
Oh,your MeMe is so's always fun to learn things about others...sharing is nice...
Wow this harder than it looks, I kept wanting to change my answers.
You sure can learn a lot about someone, this is really fun!
I enjoyed the meme, but it was pretty tough. Maybe being naturally loquacious doesn't help. I really wnated to explain all the answers, but that wwould ahve taken hours. Thanks for the comments.
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