Tuesday, May 20, 2008

50th post

I feel strangely proud of myself for making the fifty post mark. In reality it was the pup post that was the fiftieth but they were too cute. I wondered about a giveway but apart from a couple of scarves and a scary looking Elijah there isn't a great deal to giveaway around here and I don't want to make promises of something that might take ages to get made, or be accused of passing on my medicore tat to others. There is so much genuine talent out there I am content to gaze upon it all rather than produce it.
I have been busy but not productive. My head is is a very odd place and I am flitting from project to project unable it seems to commit to actually finishing. I did a crochet bookmark yesterday which I was pleased with even if the edging is a little crooked. It doesn't matter. I have dug out my bamboo to have a go at Ophelia, but I have others still to get on with.
Reading The importance if Mr Y which is quite literary and hard to follow at times, with asides of Quantum physics thrown in and straight over my head. It was one of the nominations for the Orange Prize so I can pretend that I am still immersed in the world of high literature and critical analysis. The previous two books were well and truly chick lit, I always feel slightly ashamed when I take them to the counter, their pastelly colours almost shouting, look what trash she's reading. But they are witty and show a slant of being female that because I married at 16 I didn't really encounter. The chocolate lovers Club and the Chocolate Lovers Diet both by Carole Matthews.
Variety is the key. I'm just a book slut, I'll read anything except Science fiction.


Alison Gibbs said...

Congratulations on 50 posts.

April said...

Well done on 50 posts! You are very talented and creative. I received my PIF from you today and I love it, it is so soft and the colours are gorgeous!

Thank you

April xx

Tracy said...

Happy 50...looking forward to 50, 100's more! :o) Happy Days :o)

dottycookie said...

Congrats on 50 posts! Nothing wrong with a bit of chick lit here and there!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching 50 posts. It doesn't matter what you read as long as you enjoy it. I work in a library and am desperate that our customers only seem to want to use our computers.

carolyn said...

Well congrats on the 50th post, well done.

Thimbleanna said...

Congrats on your big 50! The puppers are just adorable -- I hope it won't be too hard for you to send them to their new homes. Thanks for your wedding comments!

LizzieJane said...

Hi Alison thank you for visiting my blog, I am so glad that I found yours.
Congratulations also on 50 blog posts, and here's hoping for many more.

Willow said...

Congratulations! Fifty posts is a real milestone. I'm glad you are blogging!

I don't do the giveaways because of the same reasons you gave. I know myself and I'll just get myself in to a bind.

Sandi McBride said...

Congratulations on 50 posts, Alison! Pretty soon you'll be saying "this is my 100th post" and that is a great milestone for a giveaway...tatted bookmarks...I'd join in the competition for one of your handmade tatted bookmarks! And did you love "The Darkest Evening of the Year"? I'm a Koontz fan extraordinaire!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Congrats on reaching 50 posts! I am with you on the reading - I will also read anything but science fiction. Until recently I was reading 3-4 book a week, but now that I am sewing more the reading is taking a step back. I will have to check out those chocolate books - sounds like fun!

Country Cottage Chic said...

Congrats on your 50th post! I'll take one of those pups as a giveaway please.......


Anonymous said...

Happy 50th, I can't be doing with lovey dovey mills and boon style books. I like crime thriller type books and some sci fi like Piers Anthony, although I am reading Joanne Harris Lollipop Shoes at the minute. We are very lucky as we have a lovely post lady who even stopped her car once in the middle of the street to give us a parcel she hadn't been able to deliver.
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say we recieved your postcard - thank you so much for sending it
Lisa x

Liz Harrell said...

Book slut... ha ha. I snorted out loud at that one. I marathoned the Twilight books for a solid two weeks, so I'm probably in that category too. :)

Louise said...

Well done for reaching the goal of fifty posts. You will soon be 100! x

Kitty said...

Congratulations on your 50th post Alison - here's to many more! x