Saturday, April 26, 2008

My life from A -Z

I have always been fascinated by the alphabet, I don't know why, in my younger days I adored cross stitching samplers because of the alphabet on them. For me it represents order and logic coupled with creativity and diversity. None of that has anything to do with my post in reality but I felt it might be better if I explained. I often use the alphabet to get ideas for writing.
I had intended to post an A-Z of my favourite books over the last five years and indeed I spent most of yesterday going back through my book journal fondly remembering some of the many books consumed. I made my list but then decided that you wouldn't really be interested in it, after all, we all have our own favourites don't we?
So instead I started thinking of a different A-Z and a million ideas started to fizz about in my brain and it had nothing to do with the diet coke I had just drunk. Honestly, just because caffeine does strange things to me.
Anyway Here's my list on my life
A is for adventure, I truly believe life is one long adventure and will often do odd crazy things for no other reason than it seemed like and adventure.
B is for babies. I have been so lucky to have had four babies,but I wouldn't mind another one. I also love having animal babies. Books are also there.
C is for my cat.

D is the delightful dogs I am blessed to own.
E is for energy and enthusiasm. I am grateful for having so much and pray that it continues for a long time to come
F is for food. I cannot diet, I love my food way too much.
G is for God. Without Him I would be nothing.
H is for Honda Forza. My one. It is a brilliant bike to ride.
I is for the Internet I love the way we can connect with others from our living rooms.
J is for Jackie whom I still consider to be my very best friend. We may be 12000 miles apart and I may be a very poor correspondent but she is never far from my thoughts and I haven't found anyone who comes close to being as valued as she is. I love you Jackie.
K is for - can you guess - Knitting. It has been a constant in my life, it has been with me through many bad patches, and been my joy in the good times.

L is for love. I have been blessed with a man who truly loves me.

M is for My dad. I know it's cheating a bit but otherwise I wouldn't get him in and he's really important to me.
N is for Nigel, the one who truly loves me.
O is for opportunities. I have been lucky enough to get many of these and hope that I will have many more.
P is for Prayer. It saves me having lots of bad days and doing a lot of ranting at people.
Q is for quizzes. I love them
R is for running. I find it very relaxing to pound the pavements allowing my thoughts to tumble around. It also lets me eat a great deal.
S is for Spring my favourite season
T is for talking which I like to do a lot of.
Underwear. I hate the fact I can only wear white at work, so 90% of my underwear is yukky white. I love to wear beautiful, patterned stuff.
V is for violin music. I adore Vanessa Mae and Bond. Something about those strings make my heart sing.

W is for water. I love to be near it or in it.

X is for ? okay stumped on this one. Xpert?
Y is for You, the people who read my blog and write your own blogs. You have given me a community of friends and I am very pleased to meet you all.
Z is for the zoo which I like to have, dogs, cat, rabbits, birds, fish.

Try your own A-Z if nothing else it's a great way to count your blessings.

Went to the library today and by some small miracle came across Ian McEwan's On Chesil Beach. I have been after this book for months and so snapped it up quick only to discover I didn't have my library card. Considered briefly running for it, but it wouldn't look good for a naval officer to be picked up for stealing from a library so I hid it while I tracked down my hubby to use his card. I have been reading all afternoon and am totally immersed in it. Oh happy days.

I have also decided I will attempt to read the Orange Prize Long list. I say attempt because as you all know I am not buying books (too many on the shelves unread) and the library is deplorably slow to get these in and there's always a huge waiting list.

Knitting lull as a few projects are finished. I will be posting out the PIF's on Monday so look out for them. One is going to Canada, Two are going to the Uk, so the post may take up to two weeks.
The big ball of wool is going down as the jumper takes shape. Have to block eldest son's but keeping forgetting (consciously or unconsciously). A bolero that I don't feel like finishing and another jumper for me. I really want to have another go at Elijah but perhaps it might be best if I don't? Don't want a herd of crazed elephants out there.


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - your comment was much appreciated. Love your A to Z - it is always good to reflect on life's blessings! I recently read On Chesil Beach and thoroughly enjoyed it - a powerful portrayal of emotions. Enjoy your weekend, Lisa

the mother of this lot said...

Hi Alison! Just called to say thanks for visiting. Loved your alphabet! i was very disappointd with 'On Chesil Beach'. Sorry!

periwinkle said...

Thanks for your quilty comment on my blog--it's always nice to meet new bloggers/ It must have took you ages to write your A-Z. Looking back the puppies are so cute and I love your knitted elephant. Have a nice weekend
Lisa x

Louise said...

A is for Anzac biscuits! Thanks so much for commenting on my post. I was hoping I was going to hear from someone who actually attends an Anzac Day event, and who has enjoyed a biscuit or two. x

Jennie said...

The alphabet was great.
Don't your library let you take books even if you don't have your card? I've done that a couple of times, forgotten my card, and the library attendant has brought my details up on their computer and done it that way.

juicyknits said...

An interesting alphabet! And a great reading choice. I love Ian McEwan's fiction.

Suburbia said...

Hi Thanks for coming to my place. Have you finished on Chissel Beach yet? I loved it, and like a lot of his stuff except for Saturday which my husband read but I gave up!!
It is so anoying when libraries are slow to get new things in. Ours are just the same here!

Willow said...

Maybe I'll have a go at the A to Z idea. Gotta do a couple other posts first. Why is it that I can go a long time, trying to think of something to blog about and then all of a sudden I don't have enough hours and days to write everything that is going on in my head?

I'd like to put a link to your blog on my links. May I?

Melody said...

The alphabetical list is great! I haven't been to the library for a long time... because I'd rather take my time in reading since they allow 3 weeks of borrowing.

April said...

I love your A-Z - I might try one!

April xx