My cat Peri ( Syrian) for Sprite loves lots of things. Some of the time he manages to be a good little kitty but he's only four months old and still has a lot of energy in him. His top five likes right now are:
1. To sleep on my pillow so that every so often during the night I get a mouthful of fur, or some rather loud purring in my ear.
2. He likes to watch me have a bath or shower. He leaps up onto the edge of the bath and is very interested until he gets splashed by water. He shoots out of the bathroom and then complains loudly until deciding to come back in.
3. Playing with my wool, in particular a ball of green acrylic. He will hunt it down wherever I hide it, and will then parade with great pride past me with it in his mouth.

4. He like to play with his toy mice, but mostly their fluffy tails are the attraction.

5. He likes feathers, loose ones and thankfully not while attached to any birds. We have two Cockatiels and a Rainbow Lorikeet he totally ignores
So that's the low down on Peri, he's developing his personality and growing into a very loving cat. My hubby is constantly surprised by how affectionate Peri is. I did try to tell him. I had a cat several years ago that looks just like my widget cat and was called Darcy, but Peri has helped me to get over missing him and the dreadful decision I had to make about leaving him in the UK.

Today I have started to read Christie Dickason's The Principessa as part of my reading what's on my bookcase.
The opening pages starts with Sofia's rules for survival and it made me think of my own rules
Always find the good in a situation ( if possible)
Take a leap of faith ( when safe to do so)
Be grateful (for everything, even when you're not)
Smile (it saves on wrinkles)
Be positive (everyone else moans enough)
Give to others (when you can)
Expect good things (they have to happen to someone)
Love a lot (it's lonely otherwise)
What rules do you have to live your life by?
What an ADORABLE cat!
He is absolutely adorable.
My main rules are
Do as you would be done by
Never regret anything that made you happy
Don't save things for "best"
Love often, laugh lots
Life is short enjoy what you've got.
Don't sweat the small stuff
April xx
Peri is a cutie! It's funny - just last night I was saying to my daughter how we hardly ever see a Siamese cat these days yet they used to be so popular when I was a child.
Cute Kitty! I think he loves you LOL. You've just about covered my big rules -- Laugh a lot, be kind to others, etc. And there's the one I can't remember about live like a duck -- calm above the surface but paddling like crazy underneath LOL!
I think I need to post your rules to live by on my fridge so I can be reminded of them daily. They are inspiring.
And I think I need to revisit my own bookshelf and pull out a favorite to read.
I had a cat called Guinness who was half Burmese. He insisted on sitting on the corner of the bath whilst I was in it. He fell in more than once!
Peri looks like wonderful company. x
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog-- your cat is so cute. We used to have 5 cats but are sadly down to 1 now called Dot and she looks just like Widget.One of the cats we used to have was called Gidget!
Lisa x
Hello Alison,
Peri sounds and looks gorgeous! What a cutie..we used to have a black and white cat called Perry, he had a fascination with water too..especially the loo!
My rules to get through life are: strength, courage, happiness
(as set by Josie!)
ps..thanks for your messages on my blog..your 'visitor' sounds quite spooky..but it wouldnt be a certain cute little kittie moving things around would it!!!?
Precious little kitty!! They are funny when they are mischievious.
Hi Alison, Peri is absolutely adorable, it's so lovely to have a furry creature about the house. I like your rules very much, I think I might adopt them for myself, if you don't mind!
best wishes,
Lucy x
Enjoyed seeing your kitty.
I have selected you as one of the people to feature in a book tag that came my way. I ended up choosing all five people from the Dogs on Thursday group. Didn't know we had so many readers in the group. There are instructions on my blog and it doesn't take much time. The post will be up late Wednesday afternoon.
While you're there checking out the book tag rules, you might click on the link for Charli and Me. She recently posted some great rules that women should live by.
I still can't leave a comment for you with a direct link back to my blog and neither can anyone else from WordPress or TypePad. Sure wish you would change your comments settings so that those of us who don't have a Blogger blog wouldn't always have to list an URL directly in the comments.
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