Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I've been tagged

Thank you to April for tagging me. It's my first as well and I was quite surprised at how pleased I was. I can't help it, little things really do please me. So here goes my first tag.

The rules

1. Post the name and URL of the person who tagged you

2. Post the rules

3. Write seven things about yourself

4. Put the links in to your 7 favourite blogs

5. Name 7 people you are going to tag

6. Post a comment on their blog to say they've been tagged.

Right, seven things about myself, I'll try and make them different for the 63 I did earlier!

1. I got married for the first time at 16. It lasted 8 years which was pretty good going. I really should have waited until I'd grown up a bit more. But I did get three adorable children out of it so not all bad.

2. My favourite colour is lilac, not pink and I once had a classroom painted lilac.

3. I get seriously hyperactive after too much Coke a Cola. Not good for any classes I used to teach in the afternoons

4. I used to be a teacher but joined the RNZN ( Royal New Zealand Navy) in January of last year. I had to undergo the full training even though I only sail a classroom. Love the job and wish I'd joined years ago.

5. My second husband is thirty years older than me.

6. I knit absolutely everywhere, car, cafe, cinema. Heven't yet figured out how to knit and run at the same time.

7. Even though I have been blessed with four children already I would love another.

That was the easy bit. Now I have to choose 7 favourite blogs. I have to say that I get pleasure from every single blog I visit. I am constantly astounded by the talent nd creativity out there. I feel blessed to be able to make connections with all you wonderful people but seven it has to be.

1. Little cotton rabbits her toys are so adorable. I admire her resilience.

2. Knitterella Inspiration and fun

3. Posy her photos are simply stunning

4. lucy locket recycled her pocket

5. Lucy Bloom fun to read

6. six and a half stitches lots of lovely inspiration here.

7. Erin

That's was hard. I love so many others that it is almost impossible to choose.

Now who will I tag....
1. Rosanne

2. Willow

3. Dottie cookie

4. Little Jenny Wren

5. Wee Wonderfuls

6.The Angry Chicken

7. Cats and quilts.


April said...

Thanks for doing this - I am very impressed by your naval career.

If you email me - address is on my blog I'll give you my details for the PIF!!

Getting very excited!!

April xx

Jerri said...

Thanks so much for leaving a post on my blog. I absolutely love to knit (still in the learning phase) and when I am not knitting I am reading. "Beautiful Boy" was the last book I read and if you have a chance you might want to read it.
New Zealand I heard is the most beautiful place in the world. Is it true?

Mrs. B said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is my first visit here and I can see that you have an interesting story to tell! Wow, the Navy! And you have four children. How do you find time to blog? I'm very impressed!

Sabine said...

You had quite an exciting life so far! I'll try to find 7 "interesting" things to tell about myself. Give me a week or so to think about it... and thanks for tagging me!

Jackie M said...

Well, hallo Dark Horse! What a great blog and I'm learning things about you I never knew! I loved seeing the picture of D with the rather scary looking giant rabbit, she is a chip off the old block! Have a great day, lots of love Jxx

Willow said...

Thanks! I'll do it soon. Just got home from my Arizona trip and it's time for bed.

Kitty said...

It's always interesting to find out a bit more about the person behind the blog - married at 16 is a very brave thing to do! x