In between being at work, which I can assure you, is very different from actually working, I wandered up the main street outside the Naval base here in Devonport. An after lunch stroll, in the interests of keeping fit. This just happens to be my favourite street anywhere outside of Brighton. It has a cheap craft shop where lots of goodies just wait to be found, two bookshops, one for new and one for second hand books , a wool shop, the wonderful http://wildandwoolly.co.nz/index.html and last but definitely not least a fabric shop. Pure heaven. I could spend all day there but of course I have to appear at my desk occasionally and not just at tea breaks. It gets a little conspicuous.
Today was an excellent day. I found some pink wool which I plan to use in my PIF

Some fabric which I have a few ideas about but nothing solid, that's because... shh can you keep a secret? I don't really know how to sew. I have a machine and I can thread it up but then it gets a little.. messy. Still with such lovely fabric I'm sure this time... there won't be any casualties.

I just couldn't resist the stuff, I mean it only cost $3.00. I just know I can do something with it.

But the best thing was this book. How have I lived without it? I love Usborne books. THis is just great, I love looking at it and everything is so well presented that it makes me itch to stitch.

I can't wait to round up my three daughters and get them busy making.

There are so many fun things to make, I want to make them too. We're going to the Warehouse tomorrow (sorry LYS) to get some Sean Sheep acrylic, which is only $1.50 for 50g, (about 50p for those in the UK), for the girls to have a play with. They have some beautiful colours like Pink Snow and Blush.

I don't see why the kids should have all the fun, so I guess I'll grab some wool and knit along with them.

Treasures indeed. Hope your day was filled with a few wonderful finds.
I love your wonderful finds! Isn't it so much fun when you walk through your favorite shops and find such lovely treasures? Beautiful fabrics and the wool and book are great! I really wish I knew how to knit. I don't know what it is about it, but I just can't seem to figure it out! Maybe one day...
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I have enjoyed reading through yours and would love to return for another visit! Have a great day!
I can't sew either but really want to learn! I keep thinking if i buy myself a sewing machine that'll automatically give me the ability!
Victoria x
I "knit" but I'd really like to learn how to knit correctly. That looks like a great book....think I will look it up!
Thanks for stopping by my place for a visit :-)
The book is fantastic, I shall have to look out for that. I can't knit very well so it might aid me in my quest to become a better knitter.
I'm not very good on my sewing machine either but I am determined to get to grips with it!
Thanks so much for popping by my blog and for your sweet comments about my home. It is always a project.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
LeAnn :)
Don't you just hate when work gets in the way of better things, like shopping, knitting. That store sounds great and the projects in the book look really fun! Can't wait to see what you create!
Love the treasures. My girls would have a field day with this book. Sounds like weekend projects are set. Have a great day.
I can't knit either! I love that fabric and that pink wool - gorgeous!
April xx
That looks like a super book! As for fabric - you can never have too much, whether you use it or not!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a congratulatory comment for our anniversary.
Love that knitting book you bought.
Have a great weekend
Oh wow - I love the look of that book - I must go and have a look round Amazon right away! x
What a great blog you have here. Love the music! I'll need to take some time and catch up!
I can't sew either. I bought a dinky $17 machine [basically for just straight lines] but the machine kind of sews to one side. You get what you pay for.
Oh well...I'm concentrating on improving my knitting...slowly.
Those patterns are oh so cute. I hope you have fun knitting with your daughters too.
sounds like you had a great walk, and got great treasures. I had not seen the Usborne knitting book before. I'll look for it here.
Hi Alison,
What a wonderful neighborhood to work in! To be able to go visit these shops on your breaks must be so much fun. I am not a sewer either...I can sew straight lines, and do make my own curtains, but anything with facing or zippers, or patterns and I fall apart!
Hi Alison, thanks for your commment at my knitting blog. I actually have read both those knitting books by Debbie Macomber, and loved them. I started reading the third one in the series, back on blossom street but it was from the library and was due back before I could finish it and was on hold for someone else so i couldn't even renew it. I need to get it out again to read fully.
Your blog is lovely, I would love to add you to my blog reads, if you don't mind :)
That book looks like it has some very cute projects! I'm sure I've seen it before, but never actually opened it. I'll know better next time I spot it. :-)
I know what you mean about the fabric shop (and Devonport in general); I don't quilt, but I love going in to Cushla's. I quite often come out with fabric that I have no idea what to do with! I get sucked in by the pretty colour combos. :-)
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