Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today's the day for...

considering all the things you were going to do this weekend and then putting them off yet again. I am guilty of doing this all the time. I have things that need to be done, like getting the wood ready for the winter, sewing up my son's jumper, washing the dogs(they both really need a bath) and every time I get caught up in something else. Yesterday I had so much fun with the girls as we began our knitting projects that nothing else happened. That's ok it was a good day, but today I feel as though I really ought to be busy and get things ticked off my to do list, but it's Sunday and I want to relax, and do some more knitting and some more reading. So in order to successfully avoid doing any of the housework type chores we went for a walk up North Head and enjoyed the view. I guess there's always tomorrow.
So here's the view from North Head. Well worth the walk.


Willow said...

Beautiful! I love the beach!

Ally Jay said...

Thank you Willow. I feel very blessed for being able to live somewhere so beautiful

Alison Gibbs said...

What a beautiful spot for a walk

Jenny said...

Wow!!Some walk!Knitting and reading is much more important than boring old housework:)

Rosie's Whimsy said...

What a wonderful area to take a walk! Sounds like you did all the important chores can always wait :-) Rosie

Lucy Bloom said...

Hi Alison, it's good to take time out and do something really enjoyable I think. What a beautiful walk you took, stunning views.
Lucy x

Kitty said...

That is a truly stunning picture.

Oh and by the way - I found the knitting book, and have ordered a copy for my daughter. Thanks so much for the tip-off. x

Marrisa said...

Gorgeous place to live, serenity and beauty are very rare! x

Mrs. B said...

Beautiful pictures! Definately worth the walk. I'm the same way with my weekends. I start with the best of intentions of accomplishing lots of things. Never quite works out that way!