The knitting bug I mean. You may all be shaking your heads wondering how on earth I'd missed such a revelation when you all knew it from the start, and I did know I was a wee bit obsessed ok a lot obsessed with knitting and yarny things. However whilst watching the latest episode of Desperate Housewives, my other not so secret vice I couldn't help exclaiming rather loudly and much to the disgust of the cat who was quite comfortable if you don't mind, and to the detriment of CP who almost had a heart attack that Paul's wife was knitting beside him in hospital. Woohoo. Who says knitting isn't modern and trendy. Ha in your eye critics. Sorry. Of course there was knitting in Desperate Housewives before but I missed that series due to military training. I know because I googled it. That's when I slowly realised how bad I had it, because I couldn't stop there. I had to discover more. Which I did. Monica knits in Friends, there's knitting in Wallace and Gromit, The Gilmore Girls The Virgin Suicides, The films Meek's Cutoff, Breakfast at Tiffanys and Audrey Hepburn in an old film called Quality Street.

I think it's great to see knitting out there in the public domain. I also heard that Katherine Heigl was going to make the film the Knitting Circle.
Gromit is my favourite knitter and my eldest daughter Ali requested him on a jumper many years ago knitting. very cute. Happy knitting. Jane x
I also love seeing knitting in movies/TV! There is some knitting in Ladies in lavender which is a sweet movie about two spinsters..... but I guess that defeats your "hip" and "Modern" theme - LOL Sorry.
Love it! I bought my kids all of the Wallace and Gromit "videos" when they were little mostly because I loved Wallace's knitted vest. Hadn't heard about The Knitting Circle being made into a movie. It was pretty good for a "knitting" novel. That would be fun.
Katherine knitted in Grey's Anatomy.
I too love to see knitting in filmsand TV programmes. Need to see it more. I shall look out for the Knitting Circle film though.
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