No seriously these socks must surely be intended for some behemoth of a beast such as the abominable snowman or yeti. They are huge, they are beyond huge they are hideously big. I followed the pattern exactly, no heading off down a path of I think I know better than the designer. I cast on 60 stitches as required and off we went. Some part of my brain kept trying to insist that these looked a tad large, or it may have been the comments from those watching me as they looked askance at the completed rounds and raised their voices slightly at the end of the sentence, "They're for Who?" Clearly a little concerned for my sanity or judgement or possible both. I mean secretly knitting for a creature that doesn't exist probably does constitute madness in some textbook somewhere.
Of course being an experienced knitter, and oh so knowledgeable in ways of woolly things I dispensed with the swatch or tension square. I didn't trouble myself with such a thing as gauge. Oh how the knitting Gods are laughing at me now.
You see the book used sock weight wool and 2.75 needles. I used Sirdar Sorrento which is a DK cotton and acrylic blend. As for needle size, well I'm pretty sure they were bigger than 2.75, but not as big as 4mm. Sorrento knits to 21 stitches per 10 cms and the yarn the pattern used knits to 16 stitches.
I think I see the problem. Wrong yarn tension and too large a needle size, meaning what should have fitted an average woman is now wholly suitable for your average monster foot. So the solution is either knit another one and post them off hoping the Yeti is suitably appreciative of my time and efforts or cast on using less stitches for the second sock, see if that solves the problem, and then knit a third sock the same as the second sock. Alternatively I could just bury them in the WIP pile for a millennium or two.
Be thankful I spared you a front on view or you would have had to deal with a hideous foot as well as a hideously mis-sized sock.
We've all had knitting mis-adventures such as yours......maybe it will shrink in the wash......ho-hum! Lovely shade though.
florrie x
The knitting gods do indeed wreak havoc on those who do not sacrifice first on the gauge altar. so sorry...
Every time I fail to check guage I mess up. I knit really tight. I've had sweaters end up two sizes too small. I'm so sorry! It is a beautiful blue.....
Hmmm. I vote for option two. I don't think I've ever done a swatch for socks (bad me) -- for finer sock yarns I use size 2 needles and 64 stitches and for a bit thicker, I use size 3 and 48. I guess I've just been lucky so far.
Ah reminds me of my very first mitten which i blogged about. it would have fitted Hagrid (the giant in Harry Potter) Good luck second time around jane x
oh no! perhaps it would be useful if someone ever had a swollen foot/ankle?
Josie x
But when you have a project in mind you just have to get on with it - whoever knits a tension square? The closest I get is measuring the first bit of the garment I am knitting and trying to make myself believe I am knitting to the right tension.
I'm still struggling with the concept of toeless socks though...
C x
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