Saturday, April 24, 2010

By request

It would seem that everyone wants to be mentioned on my blog and so the time has come to talk about CNG's youngest daughter Sophie. She has been very proficient in the knitting department. i taught her last year and she has taken to the craft like a duck to the proverbially water. She is a natural. She has completed a scarf, a rabbit that she thinks is retarded but seriously is just cute. She's currently working on a monster from the Osbourne Learn to Knit book and a scarf for her teddy bear Snuggles. What a girl.


Willow said...

Way to go, Sophie!

Thimbleanna said...

Yay Sophie! And you too for being the teacher!!!

Louise said...

Sophie is so lucky to have a tutor like you. My Nan was a wizard knitter but lived in Mallorca, and only visited once a year! She did send me lovely clothes for my dolls through the post though. I never got to learn properly. My knitting is full of large holes! x

Tracy said...

Oh that is wonderful...Hope Sophie keeps knitting! Isn't it great teaching others to appreciate knitting?! Happy Days ((HUGS))

LizzieJane said...

Good for Sophie! Lucky Sophie too For having such a wonderful knitting teacher.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Well???? Show us the goods already - LOL

How nice that you have shared your crafting skills with a fledgling :)

Kitty said...

I think it's great that you taught her to knit - she will always remember that. Good for her - it's a talent which will, I'm sure, entertain her for a lifetime :) x

Jennie said...

You are a good teacher, I could do with you teaching me how to knit, I never have had the patience x