despite not terribly conducive weather, a lawn the size of a small country a million other things they have to do and a lawn mower that's decidedly temperamental they offer to cut your grass.
It was a mammoth job, and one that I had been putting to the bottom of my very long to-do list for at least 8 weeks. Hey I reasoned more to myself than anyone who actually cared, in winter grass doesn't grow much and besides I didn't have a spare 3days, to get stuck in unless of course it involved knitting a lawn. That I might have done. I thought about bribing/threatening the children but frankly three of them are bigger than me and the smallest couldn't manage on her own. I bemoaned the fact slavery was abolished several hundred years ago but moaning didn't get the grass cut surprisingly. Then last night inspired by a glimpse of sun I decided to tackle several spiky plants the size of triffids clearly intent on taking over my home sometime in the next week and went to cute neighbour guy to borrow a spade. He lent me the spade but then came down to see what needed doing. At this point I was doing my best independent female routine which doesn't really work as I weigh less than a bag of cement apparently.
Cute guy then says, I'll do all of this tomorrow. And he did. And he told me to go and knit while he did it all. It took three hours. My hero. It would have taken me three months at least mostly because I would have been distracted after the first five minutes and got involved with something else, then I would have gone for a drink, then something to eat, then... you get the idea.
I am so pleased and excited at having a nice garden again. I even got the hammock out for a while despite it not being the best weather yet. Spring is on the way though and now I can enjoy being outside again.
But there's more if you can bear to read on. A few weeks ago we went to a DIY store, I know, not my first choice of shopping experience but cute neighbour guy wanted to choose some paint for his bathroom and he convinced me to go with the lure of pink pegs. I had a great time but alas not a single pink peg to be found. I was disappointed because I needed the pink pegs to motivate me to finish a project. Then yesterday when I called in to spend some time with my cute neighbour guy he presented me with pink pegs!!
My joy was complete. I offer no apologies for being a simple easy to please soul. So here is the finished item and a picture of the pegs.
My neighbour is awesome.
Love cute guy! Too sweet to mow your grass for you.
Hooray for pink pegs and a guy who knows you want - NEED - them! I have a cute guy who mows my grass too, but he's a friend with his own lawn care business. Still, I need to call his wife and tell her how happy it makes me to come home and see a well-mowed yard!
We LOVE this guy! Oh my care, actually telling you to go knit, and gift of pink laundry peg... Is this many perfect, or what? Your adventures living next door to Mr Cute Neighbour Guy brings a jolly tear to my eye... This is so sweet, Ally. Savor ever every drop--indulge, enjoy! Back down out of the clouds... the garden does look great, and LOVE your knitted peg bag--just what those pink pegs needed... ;o) Happy Days (HUGS))
Hahaha -- as I started to read your post, I was already formulating my comment "Ok, enough of the chitchat, what about cute neighbor?" and delivered! Glad things are still going well with cute neighbor.
Oh, and cute pegs!
Cute neighbor guy: mows lawns, remembers what you like, enjoys drinking tea. What's not to like??
What a fantastic neighbour! Now pink pegs are not easy to find either!
I need a cute neighbor guy! :)
Wow ~ cute neighbour guy is one perfect neighbour! Absolutely wonderful. :)
OK, so I now need pink pegs. Very much!
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