I haven't blocked them yet and there are several places where the yarn was less than perfect so the overall effect is spoilt. I am going to reserve judgement until I've worn them.

I think they fit better than I thought they would.

But should they be worn outside or relegated to the confines of the house only.
Perhaps in a different yarn? Or in black?
Honest opinions sought please
Perhaps they need to be frogged and made into something more sensible.
I can't believe you finished them so quickly! They will be very cosy in winter.
Wow, great job finishing them. That was fast. They look like they would be very comfortable lounging pants. You have a great figure for wearing them, but they would be a tad to close fitting for me personally to wear outside the house. They would be my "go to" pants for a cold winters day snuggling up to a good book with some tea. :)
wow, well done - they're great.
April xx
Honestly, when the first photo came up I thought you were naked!!! Then I realised and started laughing at my mistake. They look great.
You knit so fast, Ally...wow! Those look terrific! I think perhaps a darker color might be more ideal if you intend to wear then out & about. These you have made probably best as indoor lounge-wear! They look very cozy and comfy, and the fit looks really good--not too tight, not too loose. If you make another pair, you must show them off. Great work! Happy Days :o) ((HUGS))
Blimey, you are a bionic knitterer! I think the fact that you have such a lovely figure means you can get away with these - many others wouldn't be so lucky. x
Your knitting amazes me! Well done!
If they're really comfy, don't frog them. From your questions, I think you are a bit uncomfortable with wearing them out in publi. I agree that they'd be great hang around the house in the winter pants. A second pair in darker color would be good for public.(But that's me, I'm a conservative sort.)
I agree with the snuggling up theory. They would be really cosy to wear during the cold winter months. x
Don't frog 'em! They fit, and if they're as comfy as they look, at least spoil yourself with some hand-knit lounge pants.
Yes Kitty is right your figure will let you get away with these. You've done a grand job and boy will you be warm and snuggly come winter.
wow. That's some fast knittin' you got going on there. They look like the ultimate lounge pants. Very nice. I'd leave them be and make another pair in black. One can never have too many comfy clothes.
They fit you perfectly! You have a fantastic figure and you look great in them :) I think it's entirely a personal preference issue. They would look cute with boots and that sweater and maybe a longer tunic. More a "legging" look than a pant look, I think.
My goodness I am away for two weeks and you manage to knit yourself a wonderful pair of trousers. I think they look wonderful and I bet they feel wonderful too. I think I would have a hard time getting out of them as they look so soft and warm. Great job!
They are great, if I had a figure like yours I would wear them! I am a black trowser girl so I would do them in black. Fantastic knitting.
Holy Cow -- you're fast! They sure look great on you. I'd probably have to go with the majority on wearing them outside -- although I'd be more comfortable wearing them out if they were in black.
Oh my gosh those ROCK!! Luvs them and fit you so well!
It is all how you dress them up if they should be inside/out.
Great job! Make me want a pair now! :o)
You have a great figure!!! I bet they are super warm.
Nice to find another NZ knitting blog! I used to be an edn officer too interestingly
they look great, well done!
Josie x
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