Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes the details escape me

I can't help it. Being almost totally right brained means that I can sometimes miss the obvious. Usually it's OK as I have enough children who are more balanced brain wise to keep me on track. However on this occasion it took a while for me to find the solution even though it was staring me in the face. Literally. The problem? My adorable teenage son who is as we speak/write on the seven seas sailing for China asked to borrow my digital camera. Of course as a loving mother I said yes instantly. It was the day after I had arrived back from Manila so my joy at seeing him was high and the full extent of broken items yet to be discovered.
I then realised after several days that it was going to seriously hamper my blogging. Text only posts can get a little mundane even for the most ardent blogists. What to do became an obsessive thought and I began to look very seriously at the price of new cameras. The fact that my bank balance has been on a rather drastic detox is only a minor issue.
Then as I sat replying to an email it suddenly struck me that there was a funny looking gizmo at the top of my laptop and I remembered from some fuzzy little used part of my memory that it was indeed a built-in camera. See the solution was right in front of my eyes but I could only see the big picture.
So here are a few shots of the latest knitted pieces. The skirt was knitted in Manila, the only thing I actually managed to knit I was so busy having a good time.

The sparkly wrap took only two days to knit and was an impulse buy when I went to Spotlight in a cheer myself up expedition.

The bluey/indigo lace piece is going to be the green top and went all the way to Manila and all the way back again with not a stitch being knitted.


Leonie said...

yay for technology that actually helps!!!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Great idea to use the computer camera! Love your sparkly wrap - very glamorous.

Kitty said...

Hooray for webcams. That skirt is lovely - you have a gorgeous figure. x

Sal said...

I love all of your knitted pieces!
Gorgeous! ;-)

Tracy said...

Great idea...webcams are for more than just chatting on-line! :o) That skirt is the subtle color and it looks super with that sparkly shrug/bolero--You're look FAB there, Ally! Happy Days ((HUGS))

At Home Mommy Knits said...

The knitted skirt looks lovely on you!

Thimbleanna said...

ONLY TWO DAYS??? You're a mad woman! And I laughed when you said the skirt was the only thing you managed to knit while you were gone -- that would take me a year. You must be a speed knitter -- I'm a remedial knitter. They both look fab and I'm impressed with your camera creativity!

SissySees said...

Aren't you a kind mom and resourceful?!

I LOVE the skirt. I'm going to have to knit me one, one of these days...

The others are lovely too, but that skirt...

Jane said...

Love the story of the camera, I don't think I would have thought of using the Webcam. Lovely knitted things, but a skirt knitted in the time you were away?! Goodness you are a speedy knitter :-)Jane x

Mama said...

Love the skirt (oh to be able to actually wear a knitted skirt! Not happening on this body!!!) Also like the green lace top - is it from a magazine that I maight be able to find here in the USA?

ps: brilliant thought, using the webcam. Failing that, you may have a camera on your cell phone...

Elizabeth said...

Laughing at your right brained comment - I can relate to being lopsided as well.
Lovely knitting. My daughter currently has the camera with the photos for the blog on it, so I can commiserate as well.
Really liking the lacey top at the bottom. Where is that pattern published?

Ally Jay said...

For those who are interested the pattern can be found in the magazine Creative Knitting issue 24 or from Patons Serenity and bamboo patterns

Linda said...

Brilliant! I wonder if mine has a camera? The skirt looks fab, I wish I could wear a knitted skirt!

LizzieJane said...

How clever are you to use the computer camera. Your skirt is just lovely and looks wonderful on you.

driftwood said...

oh how I hate to be without my camera..... the laptop idea is very clever xx

abeachcottage said...

great idea, I love the knitted pieces, I only wish I could do the same!

nice blog, just surfed on in here


Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

The skirt is darling on you!!! Love the impulse shawl too.

I'm completely the opposite as I'm a left brain thinker.

Your son is going to have an amazing trip. What an opportunity!

raining sheep said...

Ooooh! I love the skirt and the wrap. But that skirt!!! So flirty :)