Saturday, February 21, 2009

Note to self

Despite a generally feeling of buoyancy, and over elation, described by those less empathetic or maybe just brave as over animation I have learnt this week that I do not bounce well.
It came as a bit of a shock to me to find that when confronted with the business end of a piece of wet tarmac, the tarmac wins. I would never have laid bets on that one. Me the invincible would surely merely skim the surface rising unscathed while the tarmac would be left crushed and dented. Alas no. I took a corner on my motorbike and lost traction due to a combination of rain and oil residue on the road and the scooter skidded. I thought I might be able to ride it out, but the lean was too great so the bike and I parted company while I introduced myself to the road. I'm not overly impressed with road's manners, a bit gritty for my liking so I won't be heading back that way any time soon. No real damage done, A few bruises and a partially dislocated shoulder, the bike needs to be touched up all along the left flank. Thank heavens for protective clothing.
Other note to self
It is good to be alive.
This morning As I walked with Mouse to the village I took the time to enjoy the moment. It was a beautiful morning, I smiled at everyone I passed and bid them all a chirpy good morning. I care nothing if they choose to think I'm the nutter of Devonport. I bought a coffee and sat drinking it and reading a magazine, no rush, no hurry and when I was ready Mouse and I continued our walk.
It was such a simple pleasure, the feeling of a new day before me filled with promise and expectation. Being still and not moving into the next moment without having fully lived this one. Meeting good friends and knowing that I was loved. Greeting strangers that they might know they were loved. What a great day.


Leonie said...

Oh my, are you sure you are ok? That sounds like a pretty hard fall.

Kitty said...

Crikey Alison, that sounds nasty. Have you got yourself checked out with the doctor? I like the sound of the sunny morning - we have the first hints of spring here and about time too after all the snow.

Take care. x

Indigo Blue said...

Gosh, what a nasty fright for you. Hope your shoulder is ok too. Take it easy for a bit.

Willow said...

Partially dislocated shoulder does not sound fun. I hope it heals quickly and well.

I like the sound of your morning. Oh yes! Perfect!

Sue said...

Feel better soon. I don't bounce well either.

Adrienne said...

I just love the way you write. I am so sorry you had the run in with the road and I'm glad you are ok - but I must say thank you for the chuckle. You gave this (sorta) stranger a smile!

Ally Jay said...

Just to reassure everyone, that the tumble was a lot less serious than it sounds. I was barely moving as I'd just pulled away from a junction. The navy hospital gave me a thorough check over, it took the entire day of tests, xrays and examinations. Apart from a twinge on certain movements and an array of colourful bruises I am absolutely fine.

Alison Gibbs said...

Good to hear you are ok after your 'bike incident'. A few more days and you'll feel on top of the world again.

marit said...

Sooo glad you're doing okay! Take care, and don't try to conquer the concrete again any time soon, please!

Mary said...

Oh my, I'm glad to hear you are okay. Still a bit of a fright I'm sure. Heal well.

Tracy said...

What a scare, Ally...Sooo very glad you are ok! You are truly ok?! Hope you are feeling better of body and mind soon...Take care! :o) ((HUGS))

Danette said...

Thank God you are ok!!! I'm so glad you had such a lovely walk. These scares really put things in perspective, don't they?
I had a bad car accident about 5 years ago & since then am more mindful of the little pleasures of life as well.
Enjoy the moments today!

Renee said...

Ouch, good to hear you're ok!

LizzieJane said...

Oh you poor thing, I hope you will recover in record time and get back to being yourself soon.
Sending hugs.

Jane said...

Ouch! hope you are feeling better now. Your morning walk with mouse sounded lovely. Jane x