Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Usually I don't bother with these. After all it seems that most are abandoned a few days or weeks into the year and all you're left with is the awful burden of guilt. But I have discovered that part of the secret to resolutions lies in the motives behind why I make them. Once I know why I need to stop/start something it throws a switch in a remote part of my brain and I find I can stick to it. Last year I counted how many unread books there were on my bookshelves. 68. I had bought each book desperate to own it and read it, but it then went into the huge pile of to be read. So I could see that while buying new books was immensely enjoyable for me, it was actually starting to be wasteful. So no more new books until the ones on the shelf have been read. Of course that meant that everyone had to buy me books for my birthday and any other occasion.
This year I am going to stick to the same resolution. I now have only 36 unread books on my bookcases, I have not ever been without a book to read and I have not suffered. I would say I am almost cured of my book addiction in that I can spend twenty minutes in a book shop pick up at least five books and then decide not to buy any.
I am also going to not buy any more yarn until my stash is almost zero. It is the same waste factor. Some yarn has sat there for so long I can no longer remember what project it was bought for and while ravelry helps with my memory it doesn't help with the empty purse syndrome.
Nor am I going to by any more fabric for the same reason.
I will however attempt not to turn into Mrs Scrooge by next Christmas.


SissySees said...

Amen. Sounds like a plan I should embrace as well, only without the fabric stash...

We could make it fun, couldn't we, somehow?

Happy New Year!

Jo said...

Happy New Year!
Josie x

Willow said...

I put a moratorium on buying yarn in 2008. I almost made it, but made the exception for special yarn for my grandson's blanket.

I still haven't used up the stash so I'm on for 2009--I'm glad you're joining me. It helps to know someone else is being creative about using up yarn.

This is cool: the word verification is diSTASHn!

Kitty said...

Good for you Alison - I hope you succeed. I am trying to use Stash too.

Happy New Year to you and your family.


Adrienne said...

Such great non-resolutions. I have a book problem too ... Isn't there a group we could join about that ... Oh I know - a book club!

Country Cottage Chic said...

Just popping in to wish you all the very best for 2009!


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to use up stash too -- with wool I thank my mam as she knits and then passes me all her left overs , its a good job I tend to knit little things :-)
lisa x

raining sheep said...

Happy new year Alison. All the best wishes for you in 2009. I am not buying new yarn either, except for the $300 worth that I have sitting in a gift certificate that Babe gave me for my birthday back in November. I can't believe I have not spent it yet. Oh well, one must spend a gift certificate so it is not really breaking the rules :)

Liz said...

Wow, you're brave! No books, no yarn, no fabric....I would be buying a whole lot of chocolate instead!
Happy new year!

Sal said...

A very good friend told me, only recently, that when she buys a new book she gets rid of an old one...however, I fancy that might be a tad difficult for you?!


Tracy said...

Hi, Ally--Happy New Year! Wishing you & yours all the best in 2009--much love, happiness and peace. And crafting and reading fun! Your plans sounds so good--very smart, very wise. I'm hoping to de-stash in the new year too. Happy weekend ahead! ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

Good luck with not buying anything to add to the stash - I tried really hard last year ... it is really really hard ;-) x

Di said...

Gosh - no buying books till you've read all the ones on your shelves! I am not sure I would have the will power......I have a good few books not read and to be honest I am not sure that I want to read them anymore - perhaps my resolution should be to donate them to a charity book store......

I did buy new running shoes and trousers today - I plan to go running tomorrow (first time since Boxing Day!)

Thimbleanna said...

Wow! Good Luck with your plans! If I resolved not to buy anymore books until I read the ones I have, I'd never be able to buy another book ('cause I'm sure death will beat me to reading that pile!) I don't have much of a yarn stash but I'm with you in the book and fabric department!

Renee said...

Great plans for 2009 ~ I'm with you on the reading the books on my shelf and knitting/sewing from stash! Wishing you a fabulous New Year!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

I think we all indulge too much in instant gratification. I'm pretty disciplined, though. To make you laugh, I use to allow myself $5 spending money on the weekend while in college. That would buy a candy apple and not much else, but I did manage to graduate from college without any debt.

Good luck on your resolutions and enjoy those good books lying about!

Louise said...

I don't bother making resolutions, I don't ever keep them. I like to buy books, although reference books, I have many unread on my shelves, but will hopefully get around to reading them, maybe when I retire! Happy New Year Alison to you and your family. x

Debbie said...

I had a similar "book" problem which I have very nearly solved by joining -- my very cursory Internet search indicates there might be something similar for your part of the world, too. Basically, you offer up the books you've already read and then you get to pick from books offered by others. I haven't purchased a new book (except a couple of knitting books) for a couple of years now and always have a supply of new-to-me books to read. Plus, I've re-learned to love my public library. Free books! Can't get much better than that.

There doesn't seem to be anything like that for yarn, though.