Friday, December 5, 2008


Or at least trying to. That's what I've been doing over the last few weeks. The weather here in NZ has finally turned on the heat after some quite dull and lack weeks and everyone is looking for opportunities to be outside. It's so lovely to be able to sit and knit with the warmth of the sun on my arms.
I am still trying to figure out a way of taking my beautiful machine outside so I can sew in the sun but the lack of a deck or a long enough extension lead means the sewing machine has to stay quietly inside while I play with yarn in the garden. Of course I have to work too so it's not as if I only sit catching rays and knitting away. It just seems that way.
This was hot off the needles last week

This skirt was just so easy to make. I cast on 160 stitches and did ten rounds. I then folded it in half and did a round knitting into the cast on stitches to form the waistband. Then it was just round and round and round until it was the right length, basically once I was bored with it. The frill was just knit 2 p2 for a round then a round making one stitch on the second knit, then a round of knitting 3 then a round of making one stitch, then knitting 4 etc repeated until I was knitting 8 between the purls. I hope that's clear, I didn't have a pattern to follow but used techniques from other things. Paige loves this black skirt and swears it's too short for me and that I should let her have it. No way! I love it. It's a cotton acrylic blend that was fab to knit with and has just a little bit of stretch making it super comfy to wear. I have however bought more of the same yarn and will see if I can whip one up in time for Christmas.
I wondered about embellishing it with something but what?? Any ideas?

And finally after what feels like months I can show you the red skirt. It's the bell curved skirt from Knitty but I didn't do as many increases as I wanted a more streamlined look. I feel though I should have made this skirt a bit longer, but with boots it might just work.

It's curling a little which might be the yarn, hopefully it will settle down after a wash, otherwise I will do a row of crochet to see if that helps.

I think I might be addicted. Now perhaps it's time to try and sew a skirt.


Tracy Batchelder said...

Both skirts look great on you!

SissySees said...

I'm impressed!

And excited; I realized in the first sentence or so of your post this morning that my NZ rellies will be here in a couple of weeks!

LizzieJane said...

You sure know how to knit skirts, they are both just lovely.
I am so glad that you are enjoying your lovely warm weather, we are waiting for snow to arrive, if it ever will.
Have a lovely weekend

Tracy said...

They both look super, Ally! I think each one is very flattering on you! What great pair of knitting accomplishments. And I'm impressed how your created the black skirt with no set pattern, just went for it. Your made-up pattern inspires me to trying making up something of my own. I'm small and rather slim, so most patterns of many kind (knit or sewing) don't really fit me well and need a lot of adjustments...So perhaps I'll get brave in the New Year and go for it! Lovely work!! Happy weekend to you all ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Both your skirts look great .. it snowed for 6 hours here yesterday but today its just sheer ice - very scary
Lisa x

Thimbleanna said...

Wow. I'm so impressed that you knit skirts. They look great!

At Home Mommy Knits said...

Beautiful skirt! Looks fantastic on you!

marit said...

It's snowing in our little corner of the world...
Love your skirts! They both look great on you! I knitted a lacy one years ago, but never had the guts to wear it... But I've sewn several!

a friend to knit with said...

ahhh. a skirt in the round. no flopping open! i love it.
both look fantastic.

Marcia said...

Nice skirts! I wouldn't have ever thought of knitting a skirt.

Natalie said...

Your skirt looks amazing and fits so well.

Linda said...

Lovely skirts! I like the grey one and they fit so well, you look great in them!

Willow said...

Very nice! I might just have start a skirt...

Rebecca Jo said...

I've always been afraid to knit skirts - afraid they'd "pull" or "sag" down too much

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Love both of your new skirts! I'm addicted to skirts too :) The cotton acrylic sounds like a good blend for summer ~ I'm trying to figure out what would be a good Winter wool blend.

Octopus Knits said...

Both skirts are beautiful - you look great!