I actually received this swap a couple of weeks ago but time has been on the elusive side. I can say no when absolutely necessary or when it's something awful, but I am a sucker when it's right up my alley so to speak. So I found myself being swamped with requests to "entertain" children because I was teacher and therefore must be good at it. Hmmm. I don't think I quite entertained a class but still...
I am not complaining, even though it has made life rushed and complicated and the craziness carries on for a couple more weeks or so.
The swap was from Laurie in the USA and was part of the magazine swap arranged by Periwinkle. I didn't get my name down for the original swap but held my hand up a bit late. Laurie and I agreed that we wanted to do an exchange straight away and then another one nearer Christmas. I think I did rather well. I am still pouring over the magazines and especially the Ring O Tara skirt. I think it looks fabulous but I can't quite afford to knit it just yet. It's a possum and Merino blend which is selling here for $15.00 for 50 grams. I need a 600 grams so 12 x $15.00. It's on the wish list.
I am keeping an eagle eye out for bits to pop in Laurie's next swap, the magazine part is easy.
I love the yarn she included as well and have a number of ideas as to what I might like to make with them.
I have been enjoying my Simply Knitting subscription from the UK as well. I have so many projects ticked and marked that it can seem a bit like wading through mud with progress. This sock calendar is going to get a lot of wear and tear especially as I intend to master knitting socks with two circular needles.
What lovely goodies!! It is always fun to see magazines from other countries. Have a great weekend!
Very nice thiings in the swap! I'm afraid I'd be a terrible swapper. I'd be late, I'd not know what to put in, blah,blah. So I enjoy seeing what others do.
Parcels from fellow bloggers are fabulous, aren't they? x
you've got yourself some lovely goodies there and I'm looking forward to seeing the other skirt all knitted up :-). Can you let me know if Laurie has recieved hers then I can cross you both off my list..?
lisa x
me again - i already know that laurie has recieved hers , wine going to my head oops
lisa x
What a fun swap parcel! Lots of new projects and yarn to keep you busy when you aren't chasing small children - LOL
I can only imagine how soft a possom merino blend yarn is.
I have just got that calendar too. Knitting a skirt, hmmm I am a long oway offf from being able to even attempt that. Good luck .
Hmmm... Must hit the craft store near my chiro this afternoon for some magazines I've missed... Love that calendar!
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