I rang the insurance company and they said that yes the machine was covered on my policy. Hurrah. But I only had a Cascade, a low level cheap as chips machine. No worries said the insurance company, if you can't replace your Cascade, and I can't ( sob,sob not, little dance of joy around the room) then we will cover the cost of another machine so long as it isn't excessive. OK so not the $12000 one then. I guess I can settle for something a bit less flash.
Faster than a greyhound out a trap, or roadrunner getting away from wiley coyote I was at the sewing machine shop in Takapuna. No need to browse, straight to the point. An hour later and I was home again with my new machine.
I have my Bernette 82E and she's just Darling. I love my insurance company, although I still hope the naughty Elf will own up, if only for me to thank them now.
We have been getting along fine, much better than my old Cascade. I swear that machine really did hate me. The Bernette sews straight lines, doesn't tangle the thread, or snap the needle. She's as good as gold. She has a gazillion features like an automatic needle threader and a button so you don't have to use the foot pedal.
I made this nifty little booklet to store my circular needles. I didn't have a pattern and apart for wishing I'd managed to make the pockets face each other I am very happy with the end result.
I also made this knitting needle roll, using the same process I used for the pencil case roll I made Daisy ages ago. This time though I gave the material a bit of a helping hand by ironing on some interfacing so it has more body to it. The cover on my machine was made by Josie
Again I like the way this turned out. My little machine is so clever.
This is going to be a Christmas present for my daughter. She's having teenage issues right now, exams, sisters being annoying, her best friend leaving school and heading to college and on top of that the recession has meant she's lost her after school job in the local wool shop. Hopefully this will bring a smile to her face on Christmas morning.
What's that Mouse?
Yes you bring a smile to my face every time I see you.