Make a drawstring bag that pulls in from both ends? I'm sure it's pretty obvious when you've been sewing for ages and ages but I just can't figure it out. I need it to pull in at both sides so my DD can wear it like a back pack. It's a birthday present, she'll be 15 in 11 days. She is totally dolphin and whale crazy so when I saw this material (see I told you I have a fabric stash)I had to buy it even though at that stage my sewing machine and I weren't even comfortable in the same room let alone able to spend quality time together. But then I discovered how much fun sewing could be and I thought I could make a bag. She'd love a bag and having made a couple as test objects I was ready to try the real thing. I am very very pleased with the bag so far. I didn't get confused with the lining fabric, even though it's the same as the outer. I used a fabric pen to write lining piece on each bit. My measurements were accurate ( minor miracle, but following advice from Lisa here on measuring twice before cutting) and I did straight (ish) seams and in the right space. Then I threaded the cord through and well got a bit tangled. Literally. It is not a pretty sight to see a grown woman struggling with some blue cord with a cat hanging off the end.
Particularly as the cat is supposed to be resting and not doing exciting things like chasing blue cord. Peri went to have a little operation and to be microchip. He was most disgruntled last night when there was no supper forthcoming and he spent a while sitting on the dresser mewling plaintively when fixing me with his most sorrowful look. He would then turn his gaze towards the box of cat biscuits and then back to me. There was no mistaking his message, "get out of bed and feed me woman. He then decided to try the I love you lots tack and I got an enormous amount of rubs and purrs, all very nice but it was heading for midnight and I really wanted to sleep. He did eventually snuggle down and sleep but was pretty fed up to find there was no breakfast either.
All went well. He certainly couldn't resist playing with the paper ball I tried to shove down the side of the chair.

I also finished the little pink cardigan and today that went into the post to Melbourne. It's only size 0-3 months but the baby was only 5.5lbs so it should get plenty of wear. Also finished the cream sleeping bag.

This will be the next project but will have to be knitted clandestinely so that it can be a birthday present for the dd who will be 17 next month. I had them very young you know.
Sorry for bad photo It's from Woolbaa's site
Off to the local high school's production of Grease tonight with the Ranger unit. Hope everyone's having a great week.
The little pink sweater is just too cute. I LOVE that vest! I am going to have to check that out. I have no doubt your DD will love it!
Love the baby cardigan - so sweet! Here is a simple drawstring bag tute that shows you how to thread the cord successfully
LOVE the pink baby cardi!! What pattern have you used for that one? I would love to make one, or similar for my sister's baby girl to come. Great vest too. Easy way to do drawstring, is to make a casing, leaving an opening at each end on the sides, and then draw the "string" in and around each side--got me? It's really easy with a little practice. Let us know how you get on. Oh, and so glad to see you stopped by to join in my gift giveaway fun--thanks! Happy Day ((HUGS))
Can't sew a lick, so I hope someone else helps. The pink cardi is adorable!
You are a very busy woman, I bow to you. I love that little pink sweater and I am definitely checking the little hoodie vest out...I might need to have one just like it :)
I am zero help when it comes to sewing, but I can appreciate the darling pink cardi. So delicate and feminine!! The hoodie vest looks perfect for a teen! Let me know if you do read Getting Rid of Matthew. I'm interested in your reaction to it!
You are one busy woman! And that pink sweater is beyond adorable. Love it.
What an adorable sweater!! And my 9 y/o son loves dolphins as well. I used to have some of that same fabric, but not enough to make anything more than squares for a quilt. I think I need to buy some more.....
Thanks for the hints. I think I can see how to do it now. It's a bit sad when the lightbulb moment is in realising I need two pieces of cord. See I was trying to make one pice magically do it all.
The little baby cardigan is so lovely and sweet, it is fun isn't it knitting baby things.
I am glad that your kitty is doing fine. I know that look that they give when they want something and can't have it, ours gives the same look. I think it's in the cat handbook that they all read!
I see you have been keeping yourself busy and out of trouble-LOL! :-)-everything is wonderful,the baby cardi is adorable...
Oohhh, that little pink cardigan is so cute--nice work!!
Congrats on the bag--sounds like it's going great. To do the double drawstrings you need to cut 2 cords and have openings in your casing on both sides of the bag. Thread one cord in,through, and out one side and tie off, then thread it in, through, and out the other side and out and tie off. You have to make sure that your casings are wide enough to accomodate the double thickness of cords as they are all going through the same casing.
Smiles, Karen
What a cute little sweater! Sorry I'm so late catching up but glad to see you got some answers for the drawstring bag. Your olympic knitting looks fun too -- I really need to check in on ravelry once in awhile -- I pitifully forget to log on all the time!
This may be too late but i can help you with the drawstring.
I will try and email you with it.
No my email did not like the link.
Once you have pinned the three sides of the together turn over the top to create a channel for the cordand stitch them. Leave openings on both sides as you will need two pieces of cord, one will go round the bag channel left to right and the other will go round from right to left. (DO this with the bag the right way round) You should have one set of cord in your right hand and the other in your left. The ends will then go down to the corners of the bag and get stitched into the seam so the ends of the cord will be on the inside of the bag. So push the ends of the sord through the pinned seam of the bag. Turn bag inside out and now machine stitch the three sides, trapping the cord as you go. You could put large eyelets on the front of the bag at the bottom 2 corners and attach the ends of the cords this way as well. Now you should have two straps which will become longer once the drawstring has ben pulled up to close the bag.
Phew, hope that helps.
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