Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Blogging but not as you know it.

Manda opened this can of worms up and I found it so useful that I wanted to give my own answers. I found Ali's answers very pertinent ( apologies for some dreadful pictures and a firm promise to spare you such atrocities in future)
What makes you enjoy a particular blog (not just this one, any one that you read)?
Finding people out there who share the things I love but in a different way. realising that there is a whole network out there of women just waiting to be tapped into so I don't have to feel lonely or isolated even if I am physically. Blogs that make me feel something, joy, laughter,longing(in a healthy way)even sadness sometimes makes me feel human and alive. Through those blogs I can feel that I am just like everyone else.

What type of post is your favourite?
I love reading little stories about the cuddly toys that people have made so Kitty's Flora and Stanley had me enthralled. I guess it's the little kid in me that still gets sucked into a tale. I also like to find out a bit about the person, so little glimpses of their home and gardens, and treasures they have collected always has me interested. I like the posts about books provided it's not too lecturish, but a lighthearted opinion or viewpoint. I love posts about knitting and sewing although the sewing always makes me feel a bit inadequate until I remember to rejoice in our diversity and differences.

How important are the photographs?
For me photos depend on the topic. If it's a treasure then I want to see, and I could drool for hours over yarns and quilts. But if it's a story about your day or life then the text is enough.

Does the design of the blog attract you or even stop you from reading it?
I love looking at the different bits and pieces that people have, and long to be able to do some of the fancy stuff. I still haven't figured out how to create a good banner. The design doesn't matter to me, but I am always quite pleased to stumble upon on that shares my colour scheme.

Do you like blogs to be colloquial/regional or fairly generic?
I like them to be true to the writer. If I can't figure out what they mean , then that's an excellent reason to comment. We are a multicultural phenomenon and should celebrate as such.

An equal amount of craft and family, or does too much of talking about the kids put you off?

All work and no play can make for a dull blog. I find the blogs that focus purely on out put and FOs tend to bore me a little as I cannot connect to the person. I like to feel I've a friend out there who I am connecting with and supporting in a virtual manner.
What else? What are the best words of advice you can give a blogger?
Ask questions and try to find the time to answer all comments. Also go visiting.

So there's my thoughts. They sound pretty heavy at times and it was only as I wrote the answers I realised just how much I enjoy blogging. It has to some extent filled a need in me for companionship and female fellowship so I want to thank you all for your patience with me. I look forward to chatting with you soon.


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Well put Alison!

Jane said...

I agree blogging is good fun and I feel i've made a lot of friends too.

Ali said...

Yup, me too on the whole companionship thing.

Kitty said...

I pretty much agree with all of that, and glad you found Flora and Stanley good to read about. However, if THAT sort of shenanigans had taken place in your house, I bet you wouldn't be laughing!

Yes, I am mad, and blogging has given me the perfect excuse to indulge my lunacy. So glad to have found your blog.


raining sheep said...

Very well said. I enjoy blogs because they expand your mind about possibilities. Maybe you won't sew that stuffed little toy, but you will be spurred to take a wonderful photograph. Blogging and other bloggers have been the inspiration for my getting into photography. And like you, I enjoy getting little glimpses of people's homes, gardens, and special places that sometimes come out in their posts :)

Thimbleanna said...

Hey! My old blog had the same design as yours -- does that count LOL? Btw, my son got back from NZ today and LOVED it there -- I can't wait until he's home to hear about it!

juicyknits said...

"I find the blogs that focus purely on out put and FOs tend to bore me a little as I cannot connect to the person. I like to feel I've a friend out there who I am connecting with and supporting in a virtual manner." This is so true! Some people seem to be in some kind of a competition of finishing as many things as possible and posting about it every few days.

Sal said...

Yes I agree..well put.
Bloggging has opened up a whole new world for me.Every day I now feel inspired! There's such a lot of talent out there but more importantly, I think it's restored my faith in the human race ;-)

Louise said...

I love blogging too, I only wish I had more time for it. I am really enjoying sharing my thoughts and interests with others. It really is great fun and I am learning so much along the way. x

Ragged Roses said...

What a good post, great answers!

LizzieJane said...

I have to agree I have met some wonderful people since I have started blogging, I also like the fact that if I am looking for something that I can't find, someone is always there to help.