What sort of shop would you like to run?
On the Knitting Front there's been progress of sorts, but maybe not in the right direction. I actually frogged the sock. it was the only thing to do. Now it can't cry and make me feel bad anymore.
I have been busy with Ophelia and have chosen to use my bamboo and cotton blend in a sort of greyish green. It feels divine and I am so impatient to get it finished that I have rather abandoned the others, but they aren't complaining yet. I did pick up my pink Peplum cardy to finsh the front but only did a couple of rows before being lured back to Ophelia. It's a while since I've felt this complusion to complete a piece. It is very pretty though.
I have started on sleeves for a jumper for Daisy, my own design, not very adventurous just plain with inset sleeves she keeps nagging me to pick it up and do so I think it might be finished before I go back to work on Tuesday.
I bought a knitting magazine knit 1 with some very trendy designs all in eco yarns. I since discovered that it's aimed at 18 to 35 year old knitters which makes sense. So many projects not enough time, but I guess the dreaming is all part of the game too.
These three were drooled over so much by the girls that I had to whip it away before it become nothing more than a soggy rag. Perhaps while out on Monday I might find the yarn to make one of them a surprise gift.

Big thanks for three day weekends. They are the best.