Monday, March 26, 2012
The new arrivals
So Amber has proven just how mellow and adorable she really is by being totally unfazed by two new arrivals.
Not one hiss or spit came from Amber an when she realised the babies were scared of her, she hung back at the door, lay on her back and let them come to her. Such a sweetheart.
Meet Pearl and Jasper, nine week old Cornish Rex kittens. The both have sirex markings which basically means they are pointed like siamese. Jasper is the boy and he's a chocolate point. He's very sure of himself and struts down the hall.
His sister Pearl is a curly coat and looks like a sheep. She's a lilac point and a little smaller and quieter than her brother.
But I think she's as glad as me when they finally fall asleep.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Amber's House
It's hard to believe that Amber has only been with us for just over a week. It truly feels as though she has always been a part of the family. She caused major worries last Monday when she started sneezing and became lethargic and lost her appetite. A trip back to the SPCA confirmed that she had caught Cat Flu and was a poorly girl.
All Tuesday she was very sorry for herself and I fed her via syringe to ensure she didn't dehydrate on me. She was so gentle and submitted very willingly to being wrapped up like a baby in a towel and being fed cat milk.
The weekend saw a dramatic improvement in her health and she was even well enough to help the gruff man finish her play gym, which she promptly explored thoroughly and gave a huge thumbs up to.
She clearly had some ideas on how it should be built.
The man feels suitably pleased with himself.Everyone knows how hard cats are to please.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Meet Amber
Amber is a one year old Red point Burmese and even though I am her mummy and have to think she's gorgeous, she is in my opinion super pretty.
I didn't think I could even begin to love another cat after my darling Peri died and I certainly didn't expect it to happen so soon. I was talking to a very good friend who suggested I go and have a look around the SPCA. I thought he was mad, but on the way home the idea just kept nagging at me. I was down to my last thirty km of fuel, I had about two hundred dollars to my name and only an hour before needing to be at the school to collect the youngest daughter. It was madness, what was the point of even looking, I knew that I didn't want any old moggy, sweet and cute as tehy might be. I wanted Peri and there wasn't anyway that was going to happen.
But the idea wouldn't budge, so I ended up at the SPCA. I walked up the row of cages, sad that these beautiful creatures had experienced sadness at the hands of humans, but none moved me. There was a very friendly calico in the last cage and I was going to ask to stroke her. The volunteer was busy so I wandered back down the row and there suddenly was Peri, well not Peri but his eyes, stunningly blue and wise beyond cat knowledge.
So there she was, a Burmese with blue eyes. Peri was a Chocolate point Tonk, which means he was half Burmese and half Siamese. She had been handed in two days earlier because her owners were leaving the country and couldn't take her with them. The volunteer wasn't sure if Amber could be adopted because she hadn't eaten since arriving. The cage was opened and my heart melted. I knew I could love this sweet little girl. As she rubbed and told me how happy she was to see me, I saw flashes of Peri but different. As I stroked her silky creamy fur she began to eat her biscuits and that was the moment I knew she was coming home.

Her original name was Angel and I think Peri sent an angel to ease my sadness. I thought she was deserving of a more elegant name and so Amber it was.

From the moment she came home, it was as if she belonged there. She wasn't shy, she wasn't scared, she took it all in her stride and was quite adamant that she didn't need to be left alone in one room to get used to the place. She greeted everyone with warmth and affection and stole our hearts in one fell swoop.
Even the gruff man who claims to hate cats and have no heart spent Saturday afternoon building a cat gym that seriously is big enough for a tiger to play on.
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