It has a been a busy time for me, trying to meet all my regular commitments and failing spectacularly. I have managed to keep up my knitting, things would be looking dire indeed if I had needed to sacrifice knitting time. So I have another FO. This has been made in Sirdar's Balmoral, in the purple. I fell in love with the colour the instant I saw it and even though it was way out of budget at $11 a ball, I had to have it. The jumper is a Zhivago pattern, from their book of weekend knits which incidentally doesn't mean you can knit the patterns in a weekend. I wish. No the patterns are more casual and suited for weekend living. I first knit this pattern about five years ago in a beautiful deep teal. I loved it. Unfortunately so did my daughter and eventually she was able to persuade me that she was the right size for it to be reluctantly handed over. She loved it. She wore it as much as I had and then mysteriously it disappeared. Perhaps it had been stolen by a Zhivago loving bandit, perhaps the dogs had mauled it, perhaps another sister had cut it into mini blankets for bratz dolls. We went with the first choice as there were no traces to indicate the other two possibilities. We have since come to the conclusion that it was most likely a washing accident perpetrated by the one who has now left.
So I resolved o make myself another one or two. I have already cast on in Zhivago sage green for another one. And daughter has agreed to buy the yarn so I can knit her one of her very own, as mine won't fit her any more.

I have no idea about the date on the picture they were both taken the same day. Perhaps eldest daughter's camera was fixed on the wrong date.
The best thing about the purple jumper apart from how nicely it fits, the cable panel which is also on the back and what a gorgeous colour it is, is that it was knitted on cute neighbour guy's mum's needles. He's so amazed by the fact. I have been spending quite a lot of time at the neighbours, just being neighbourly you know how important it is to get to know people who live nearby. At least now I no longer need an excuse to go by. And he makes me a cup of tea while I drone on about all wonderful things knitting related, like how I found The Yarn Harlot's meditations for knitters book in the library. Score!! I have to keep reminding myself he's not as interested in the stuff as I am, but whenever I glance at him he's smiling so that's a good sign right? Besides, he's found a very effective way of changing the subject and while I really love wool and yarn, I am liking his tactics a lot. We keep pretending we'll be bored with each other soon, after all how many cups of tea does it take for the attraction to wear off, but then I remind him just how long I've loved tea, and he says perhaps it will be about the same time I get fed up with knitting. We both feel pretty confident that's never going to happen. Besides he just gets cuter.